Chapter 40 Showdown at the Capitol Corral

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The scene down Center Valley Street played out similarly to the west side. Protesters for both sides were out with banners and signs, chants and songs. Peaceful co-existence was the rule for the first twenty blocks. This changed drastically at SouthTown Merchant Center. The closer the old wagon got the slower it had to go. Traffic was shunted to the northbound side of the street for the entire length of the square four block complex. Guard and emergency vehicles were both on the street and the lawn. Fire crews were working on three flaming shops. Barricades blocked off the south boundary of the center.

"Josethem park a moment," Nikki ordered when they were close enough to see the problem. "I want to check it out."

"I do not think it is wise," he replied, "but I will turninto that small lot." Once he maneuvered onto the parking lot, he turned to his passengers in the back fold-down seats.

"Nikana, are you certain? We can turn back to 142nd and avoid it entirely."

"I am very certain," Nikki answered grimly. "I should not be long, five minutes is all. Is anyone looking our way?"

The others glanced around. "No, everyone is looking ahead," Liam told her.

As she removed her shoes and socks, she addressed her seating partner. "Debby, hand me the picnic blanket."

Debby pulled the blanket off the basket. "I suppose I have to stay here," was her surly comment.

Nikki covered up. After a moment, the blanket drooped and a sharp squawk came from under it. Debby removed it and lowered the back window. She ducked as Nikki flew out.

Debby scowled as she peered out the side window trying to see where Nikki was. "It is not fair," she grumbled and then complained loudly, "it is just not fair. I want to see what is happening too." She leaned between Liam and Merla and looked out the windshield. "I cannot see her, can you see her? I am going out."

Liam grabbed her. "No," he told her sternly, "you are going to sit and wait. You may sit in your own seat or between us."

One look told her he was serious so she yanked out of his grasp and plopped. With her arms folded, back arched and a deeply lined scowl, all she needed was a hiss to be a convincing, very angry alley cat. After the longest five minutes of Debby's life, Nikki flew back in.

"Squeak, cover me up please," Nikki the bird requested.

Debby made an angry noise and flipped her head to the tailgate. Merla reached over the seat back and covered Nikki.

Two minutes later "Consuela" surfaced, folded the blanket and redid her bun. "Debby," she said, her voice low and sad, "you need to listen." She then spoke to all. "That is a battleground. People are dying. Guns, knives, rocks, anything they can fight with, even peace protest signs, are being used as weapons. People are smashing cars and setting fires. It is horrible. We need to go around this mess and as fast as we can."

Josethem exited into an alley and they were on their way.

Debby stared out the back window. "There's only one person who should be dying," she whispered to her reflection and felt a chill.

Guards were all over the Capitol grounds. Two guards stood at each entrance with others spaced evenly on the lots and lawns. Again their identification cards were checked and cleared. Nikki let her breath out slowly as the guards wished them a happy centennial. They parked in the last and farthest spot from the building.

"It's show time," Nikki whispered as they left the wagon.

On their walk in, Bitha played tour guide and told Debby what she would see. Nikki was concentrating so intently on just in case escape routes that she startled when her "daughter" touched her arm.  She caught the suspicious eye of a door guard and quickly covered hoping her South Continent accent was correct, "sorry dear, I was deep in memory of when I was here. I was about your age Cori," she gave Debby a grandmotherly pat on the head.

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