Chapter 10 Forget Kansas, we're not on Earth anymore

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 The Banta's docking bay was a tiny garage.  There was room enough between the tool-lined walls and the bus sides for the bus doors to rise, but not much more.  The bay doors were at one end of the rectangular room.  A control desk, a work table and a small door were at the other. 

 We're not in Kansas anymore, Nikki thought as she looked at the starry view through the large, bay door windows.

 "This room's small," Debby said.  "Are you okay Aunt Nikki?"

 "Yeah," Nikki replied.  "There's nice air circulation which helps."  She looked up to the source of the slight breeze.  "Plus it's tall, must be at least 16 feet.

 The inside doors were visible when closed.  When opened, they disappeared into the wall.  Liam pressed a circular metal switch to open the door and the small party exited into a long hall that was wide enough for three people abreast. 

 "It's well lit," Nikki said feeling hemmed in but trying not to sound it.  "That's good, it counteracts the dark blue."

 "Are you claustrophobic too?  This way please," Niel pointed to the right as he spoke.  "Do not feel bad, so am I.  It took me a few weeks and a lot of fancy thinking to feel comfortable in these halls.  The rooms are better.  By the end of our six month journey you will be fine."

 "Six month journey?" Nikki repeated, "oh fine, just fine."

 Debby took her hand.  "It's okay Aunt Nikki," she said, "I'll help you."

 When they reached an intersection Niel told them, "Nikki, Debby, come with us.  Liam and I will show you to your quarters." 

 Capitan Senvalle nodded to them and with Commissioner Ley and Jessa Crane turned left.  They turned right.  At the end of this section was an elevator with an openwork wrought iron door.  They went down one level into an equally narrow hallway with sets of gray doors facing each other across the hall.  They stopped at one of the fourth set. 

"Aunt Nikki, I know what that is," Debby said and pointed to a golden symbol on the door.  "That's a toich.  It's number eight.  That must be our room number."

 "Very good, Debby," Niel told her.  "You mother must have taught you some Maeta."

 Debby nodded yes and then looked at the floor.  "She was gunna give me my own book for Christmas."

 Niel squeezed her shoulders.  "We have a teacher on board just for you.  It will not be as nice as having your mother to teach you, but I am sure Miss Sorrel will have many books." 

 He pressed a square switch by the door and it slid open.  The room was better and brighter.  Light blue and powder gray was the theme, with other colors mixed in.  The furniture was honey blond.  The bedspreads and the curtains covering the small window were patterned with multicolored swirls.     

 Liam followed, stood between the beds and addressed them with a flourish.  "Pardon my lack of English.  If you do no understand, Niel will change words, yes?"

 Niel nodded, Nikki smiled and said, "that's fine."

 "As you see," he told them, "you have each a bed, desk, and bins for clothes."  When he said the word "bins" he pointed to dressers.  Next, Liam pointed to two doors.  "The wide door is clothes closet.  The narrow is water closet."

 Debby giggled so he asked, "is that not the right name for a room you bathe in?"

 "Yes it is," Nikki told him.  "But it is an older name.  We usually call it bathroom."

 Liam nodded, "bathroom.  I will remember that.  I hope to speak better English soon."

 He looked so contrite that Nikki hurried to reassure him.  "You're doing fine.  Don't worry about it.  I'm sure Debby and I will learn your language too.  What was it called, Maeta?"

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