Chapter 30 A map, a diary and a key.

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Nikki frowned as she watched the shuttle drive away. Debby was waving vigorously. Nikki wanted that enthusiasm, but all she felt was apprehension. I'm on my own. I really am. Iosha can show me maps, but he's not healthy. Liam has to protect Debby. Oh, Liam. Was it you flying with me? No, I'm sure it was Niel, so he'll be back. We flew to an island. Before she could ask Iosha about maps, he spoke.    

"Niel told me where you think the Páji are. I believe you are correct. I have several maps and photographs of Edawe. Also, I found something of a riddle. It seems the key needed to release the people has two parts. You will find information in a green folder in the large bookcase. Liam knows where it and the maps are. He will assist you. I have a date with a lovely young lady and some very old toys."

"We," Debby squeaked, "are going to explore the houses. Grandpapi Iosha says lots of fun things are still there."

The surprised look on Liam's face matched Nikki's. Iosha was wearing a flashlight helmet. Debby was putting one on and had a pack slung over her shoulder.

"Grandpapi," Liam protested, "I am to guard Debby and I know where the artifacts are. I used to play with them. I will show her. You know your papers. You show Nikki."

"I believe," Iosha countered sternly, "the command to obey your parents came long before the order to guard Debby. You may well be the one to accompany Nikki on her flight. You need to know where she will go. Besides, I believe you two have things to discuss."

With a brisk wave to end the conversation, he turned to Debby and offered her his arm. "Shall we go my bromas?"

Debby giggled and curtsied. "We shall my bromos."

They scrambled over the rubble to the back of the cave. Liam watched until they disappeared into a house then sighed, "I should have insisted. I really do not know his things well." He turned and cringed at the look on Nikki's face.

"Liam seMorrlá" she spat. "That is not all you should have done. You should have told me." She poked his chest as she chewed him out. "Six months ago, on the Banta, you should have told me. Why did you not tell me?"

He grabbed her hands and interlocked their fingers. "I did not think I," he shook his head, "it was important to you. I am sorry, I was wrong."

"It would have been very important. To have known that someone else knew what it was like to have to hide his real self would have made me feel a lot less alone, especially if that someone was a person who was important to me."

"Was important?"

Nikki answered by releasing his hands and pulling his head down to hers. No one interrupted this kiss. They walked into the house, holding each other around the waist.

Nikki sat at the table. Liam walked to the large bookcase. He opened the bottom compartment and removed three rolls of paper. Then he looked through the shelves until he found a fat, dark green folder. With all that in hand, he joined Nikki and handed her the folder.

"Here, you start with this while I unroll the maps."

The folder was a journal, part of Iosha's quest for the Páji. He had indexed it so she thumbed through the pages until she found a section titled "Eye of Angels". She was reading so intently that when Liam finished spreading the maps, he sat down and read with her. After several pages of "looked here, looked there" "talked with this person or that" but no solid clues, Nikki decided to check out the maps.

"I am going to look at the maps," she told Liam. "Do you want to keep reading or look with me?"

"The maps are easy to understand," he answered. "I will continue reading the diary."

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