Chapter 43 Not the last act

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After the Media crew and the Shamins with escort left through the main doors, and the Examiner, crew and bodies exited the back, Nikki and Debby left the shadow of the throne where they had been "hiding" with the Eye of Angels. Niel waved for them and the two palace guards to come over.

"I thought at first," Nikki told Niel, "that you were showing off. Sorry, I should have known that you were gaining converts. I am very proud of how you handled that." She gave him a warm smile and a soft tap on his shoulder.

He shook his head. "Thanks, but you give me too much credit. Remember, I am making this up as I go. Speaking of going, we need to. We can contact the Banta from the communication room and have them find the wagons, take the people on board and then come for us."

Before they could take two steps, the door flung open and Kershon rushed in. He stopped, took a breath and spoke rapidly. "I do not know how but Scorleus is out of the hospital. He is on his way here picking up every guard he can. Go out the back door, now. We will talk as we walk."

Niel nodded and grabbed Debby. The six raced to an elevator.  Kershon continued. "Years ago, before I was assigned to Scorleus, I was an Imperial bodyguard. One of our duties was

to accompany Loboth as he traveled the tunnels. We were given the highest security clearance and sworn to secrecy. Scorleus was never a bodyguard, which means he has no idea the tunnels even exist."

"Where do they go?" Debby asked.

Kershon grinned. "Everywhere," he replied. "They use the old Moriah City Underails and have been meticulously kept up. They contain high-speed air propelled shuttles. We will meet your companions before Scorleus knows we are gone." Then to Niel he said, "I contacted your brother and seMorrlá. Two Alliance craft will meet us at the South End Station. It exits through the University's South Campus playing field, where your party will be waiting. seMorrlá said your backpack was with him."

The elevator opened into a wide, very long hallway that ended at solid double doors. On one side ran a track with a vehicle containing several bench seats. "Sit down and put a safety belt on please," Kershon instructed. "We will be moving quite rapidly."

And they did. As Debby unbelted and slid off the bench, she moaned, "I think my stomach is still back there." The adults nodded.

Past the double doors the surroundings changed dramatically. Instead of white walls with striped borders, all was metal and stone. The tunnel had a tiled floor with shining stainless steel arched walls and ceiling. In the center of the floor and filling most of the space was a tube that seemed as endless as the tunnel. Kershon walked to a control panel mounted on a post at the tube's end and pushed a few buttons. The end of the tube unfolded to reveal three sleek metal shuttles, resting on the bottom. On either side were raised lattice walkways beginning with a set of steps.

"Whoa," Debbie exclaimed. "This tube is gigantic. Even if I stood on Liam's shoulders I could not reach the top."

"Go to the far shuttle. You three," Kershon pointed, "on that side. After it raises and the doors open, climb in.  Leave me the front left seat."

He entered information then ran to join the group. As soon as they buckled up, both the shuttle and the tube shut.

"Who shut off the lights?" Debby asked.

"The light is much dimmer," Kershon told her. "But there is some. Your eyes will adjust. However there is nothing but metal to see. Listen."

"It sounds like wind."

"It is wind under and around us. That is how we will travel. Very soon we will be near the end of the valley."

Much to the delight of Debby's stomach, this ride was smoother than the first. By the time she had settled in to enjoy it, it was over. Kershon pushed a few buttons on the console, the tube end unfolded and the shuttle doors opened.

They left through a wide opening and were again in a hallway, this one without tracks. Debby turned around to look at the tube from the other end and faced a solid wall. Nikki touched her shoulder and motioned to follow the rest of the group.  They past rooms containing sports equipment to a stairway that ended on the first floor of a stadium. From there they went outdoors into the main arena, which to Debby looked like a round football field.

Taking up most of the middle were the Banta and its sister ship the Hyrning. Standing in front of them were Liam, Captain Senvalle, Harom, Carman, Taet and a friendly looking male in a captain's uniform whom she didn't recognize.  She sprinted forward and with a joyous shout jumped into Carman's waiting hug. Reaching out to Taet, she got a second hug and was put down. Somberly, she told them about her father's death and the hoard of reporters.

She finished anxiously, "but it is not over because the bad guys have control again. Grandpapi, we need to get to the Senate so you can take over and stop the fighting."

The unknown male introduced himself. "Srna. Loboth, I am Captain Brockwik. Your grandpapi will go to the Senate the same way you came here. Your uncle Harom will accompany him.  You and your grandmami will come with me on my ship. Lans and Nani are aboard waiting for you. We will take the Amis home and pick up your friend Iosha seMorrlá. Then we will take you wherever your grandmami wants. How does that sound?" He stood and waited for her reply.

Debby looked at Liam and Nikki. Nikki raised the backpack and said, "the Eye is in here." She tossed it quickly over her shoulders.

"That is good," Debby replied, her voice quivered. "Are you coming with us too?"

"No, but Liam and Grandmami will be with you." She knelt by Debby, held her close and switched to English. "Honey I'm sorry, I know you want to stay with me but Uncle Niel and I have no idea what we will find on Edawe. Heavenly Father wants me to keep you safe and this is the best I can do.  Maybe Grandmami Taet can contact your Grandma and Grandpa Sandelez and you can meet them. Okay?"

Debby's lower lip quivered and she answered, "Okay."

Nikki stood and placed a hand on Taet's arm. "Mami," she asked softly, "perhaps, if you can, please look up the parents of Andrella Sandelez. I believe Debby knows where she grew up. They are her grandparents."

Taet took Nikki's hands in hers and nodded, "I will do what I can. She will be protected and so will you."  It took all the control Nikki had to board the Banta while Liam carried Debby, with her head buried in his shoulder, aboard the Hyrning. As the hatch closed Niel reached into the backpack and took out their necklaces. He put his on and then with his signature grin, placed hers around her neck.

"Nikana te Danniell resletan cople sematar. You will reunite with Debby and watch her grow to be as fine a person as her aunt. Come on, we will be over Edawe in three hours.  We have a gait to unlock."

They walked hand in hand down the ship's long hall.

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