Chapter 26 Bed down for the night

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The little hike was long enough for Debby to need a piggyback ride and Nikki to wonder if facing Loboth would have been better. They wound down the mountain stopping to take drinks out of the many small creeks and another "bushroom" break. Shadows were lengthening when they reached a valley floor. This one was small with a lake. It was ringed by caves and a few arches water worn into the rock.  

"These are hydrothermal caves. That means, my little heart," Debby giggled at his nickname for her, "they have hot springs in them. They also have very soft sand for their floors, just right for the night. Now, for dinner."

He ambled over to an old willow like tree and found a straight branch among the many on the ground. With his curious audience waiting, he broke it in half making two with slanted, sharply pointed ends. Then he handed one to Debby and told her to strip off the bark and hang on to it. The bark came off in long strips. Then, handing the makeshift spear to Nikki he asked, "how are your reflexes?"

"Oh, no," she protested, but he pulled her to the lake anyway.

"It is simple," he claimed. "Right here driftwood piles up and fish are caught. So you just wait and bop," he slammed his spear down and brought it up with a fish neatly skewered. "Just do not allow your spear to become caught."

"Wow," squeaked Debby.

"Simple," Nikki repeated not sounding convinced, "here goes nothing."

It was nothing for the first several tries and then Nikki managed to snag one. "I did it," she squealed.

"Good going," Niel praised her. "Now add your fish to mine and we will cook them and have dinner."

Nikki's excitement dampened when she turned to see a pile of neatly leaf and bark wrapped bundles. "You caught all those fish."

"And I wrapped them," Debby said proudly. "See, we take them into the hot springs and they get boiled. We put the bark under a rock so we can take it out of the water without getting burnt. We can eat the leaf too. Pretty nifty huh?"

"You did well," Niel said also proudly, "it took me three days to catch my first."

Nikki's planned remark was forgotten when she realized that Niel was proud of her. It hit her square in her pride that she no longer had to defend her self-image, if indeed she ever had. She smiled and felt love so strong she almost cried. "It is very nifty. Three days huh, I guess was lucky. Well, let us go to the hot spring. I love you both," she finished with a group hug.

There was no sign of the Airguard so they played games until the air cooled. Then they sat on the soft sandy floor of the cave and told stories until the sun set. They were all yawning by then so Niel announced prayer time. He thanked the Parents for their safety and asked for continued protection for them, their family and all the followers of righteousness. Debby hugged them good night and said her own prayer. She curled up on the grass and large leaf bed they had made on top of the sand. Niel went out to check for signs of Airguard members. After a while, when he had not come in, Nikki went out to check on him. He was sitting on a large rock idly circling a stick in the water. Nikki sat beside him and for a moment enjoyed a comfortable silence.

"Happy Easter," she finally said. "Easter is the Earth celebration of the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ. I guess we will not go to that service tonight."

Niel smiled and shook his head. "We can always be thankful for it."

"Are you thinking of keeping watch?" she asked.

"I was, but since prayer I have a strong impression that sleep will be better. I feel we are safe. Is Debby asleep?"

"Yes, as they say on Earth, 'out like a light'."

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