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Alright guys, here we go. This is the end of the book.

Let me tell you that originally, I wasn't supposed to kill Buzz by the end of the book but the scenario with which I was supposed to let him live was a bit too dramatic in my head than this one. So, all those of you who are really upset, I'm really sorry that I'm not sorry at all.

Now, I could've written more about the other characters but this story was basically revolving around Buzz and his battle with tumor. Now you know that no, he couldn't make it. But he wasn't depressed. He lived his life at the fullest and had fulfilled all his dreams, he fell in love and as you just read about his last good day in the previous chapter, everything was back to normal (Sort of) before he was gone after a few days after the 'World War III'. So we could say that his death was a happy one. And he felt everything willingly.

Now, what about the rest of the characters?

Agnes: Of course you guys must be concerned about what happens to poor Agnes after Buzz died. Well, it was a hard toll on her but Buzz made her promise to move on after his death. She spoke in Buzz's funeral of course. She cried but of course she had to move on, no? And so, she did, remembering her first love.

Kravis: You must have got the idea about what would happen to Travis and Kari in one of the chapters. They both were happy together and were Buzz's best friends during his last days. Other than that, their own personal story have been discussed in 'Listen'.

Franny: Even though it is reflected in the epilogue. I'll tell you again. Franny revealed herself to the society and became an independent women. And she's dating a girl name Kimberly in her center. So she's happy now.

Eddie: The relations between Buzz and his older brother had strengthened throughout these months, as you can discover from the epilogue. He became a responsible person in the future and quit drugs and such activities. But of course, Karma for how he used to bully Buzz when they were young. So, the  person who suffered the most from Buzz's death was his older brother.

Agnes' three fake friends: Karma's a b*tch. You can imagine their endings now.

Buzz's dad: In the epilogue, Buzz's dad was returning from a support group, no? So, here it goes. He realized his mistakes about how he left his kids alone when their mother died and had started to drink. So he quit drinking and joined a support group for the alcoholics. Also, he became an anti-homophobic and supported his daughter in her homosexuality. And his relations with Buzz had also began to strengthen as soon as Buzz realized that his dad joined a support group for him.

Agnes' mom: Agnes and her mom got together again.

So here it is. The ending of the book. I want to thank all of you who supported me throughout this book with your votes and comments and stay tuned in the journey of Buzz and his folks and now. They story is officially over. Now more sequels or spin-offs.

You can check out my other stories like 'When I'm gone'. It's a paranormal/drama story and I'm still working on it. However, I would really appreciate if you gave feedback and let me know if u like it or not.

Once again, Thanks a lot guys. You all mean a lot to me!!!

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