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Frances: "..."

Buzz: (sighs) "Franny, I want to hang outside alone for a minute if you mind."

Frances: "Oh, I don't mind." Pause. "As long as my hard work doesn't depend on it."

Buzz: "Hard work?"

Frances: "Look, I've been trying to make a decent dish for six hours, not delicious or gross but decent, and I so don't want my hard work to go to waste just because you're pretending to be un-hungry. I mean, six hours. Doesn't that count?"

Buzz: "I'm not pretend-"

Frances: "I just told you that I worked my ass off on that dish for SIX FREAKING HOURS and you only listened a small phrase. Gosh, Buzz!"

Buzz: "..."

Frances: "And Ed really needs to have timing on when to open that big mouth of his."

Buzz: "..."

Frances: "..."

Buzz: "I miss mom."

Frances: "Me too. And dad."

Buzz: "I don't. And you didn't have to disguise yourself as dad to give me that letter from Boston."

Frances: "I just- I wanted to-"

Buzz: "It's fine."

Frances: "So, you, uh, in touch with your friends? You haven't brought your mute friend over for a while."

Buzz: "You mean Kari? Yeah, I guess. She and her brother are now living with their dad. And, um, she's found a guy."

Frances: "That's great."

Buzz: "Yeah."


Buzz: "Franny, can I ask you something?"

Frances: "Sure."

Buzz: "Why didn't you ever marry?"

Frances: "..."

Buzz: "Franny?"

Frances: "uh, w-who's gonna look after you knuckleheads then?"

Buzz: "We both know that's not an answer."

Frances: "..."

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