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Four months later...

"FRANNY! HURRY UP, LAZYBONES! I'M STARVING!" Buzz flinched at Eddie's voice yelling at the top of his lungs. He glanced over at Eddie to see a look of yearning plastered on his face as he stroked his belly.

"Shut up, you idiot!" Franny's voice snapped from the kitchen doors. "I just got here and you just swallowed down three bags of Doritos." Buzz looked over at three empty wrappers of Doritos lying on his feet.

Franny peeped through the kitchen and pointed the large spoon towards him like a sword. "Correction: You just swallowed down my three bags of Doritos, you little freak!" She gave him a death glare before disappearing into the kitchen. Buzz flipped the channel just before Eddie groaned and bounced on the couch in front of him.

"Girls." He muttered under his breath, loud enough for Buzz to hear him. Then his eyes fell on the remote in Buzz's hands and said. "Hey, you watching the TV?" He asked in a demanding voice.

Buzz eyes were glued to the screen as he replied, "Yes."

"Great." The next thing Buzz knew was that thick fingers were wrapped around the remote and before he knew it, tried to snatch away the remote. Buzz scowled at Eddie, who was smirking at him. "What, you just said you're not watching the TV!"

How weird that he didn't recall saying that.

He tightened his grasp around the remote and pulled it back towards his direction. "Let it go!" He hissed, snarling at Buzz. Eddie's jaw hardened and he pulled it towards his direction with such a force that it sent him back. Then it was Buzz who wrapped both of his hands around the remote and pulled it towards his direction. "Let that go, NOW!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Franny burst into the living room and clasped the arms of both of the boys, pulling them back. "Stop it!" She snapped. Reluctantly, Eddie leaned back to his seat, sighing in defeat as the remote was still in Buzz's hand.

It was a matter of time when Franny finally stammered in a commanding voice. "A-and gimme the remote."

Buzz turned around to see that Franny was trying to hide a grin and look serious. Before he could open his mouth, he felt the remote slip from his fingers. He whirled to see Eddie waving the remote with an evil grin on his face. "Gimme that!" He stood up and launched himself in front of Eddie, who backed away and stuck out his tongue.

"In your wimpy little dreams!" He deadpanned and dashed towards the hall.

"EDWARD! YOU ARE SO GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" Franny yelled at the top of her voice and both of them sprinted towards Eddie! Buzz looked over at Franny and placed his foot in front of Franny's legs, sending her tripping on the floor and hitting her head. "BUZZ!" He passed her an evil grin before chasing Eddie through the stairs.

Eddie was climbing the stairs when Buzz approached him from behind, dashing up the stairs. It was when Eddie saw his opportunity and skipped through the stair handle and landed on the floor on his feet before bringing down a table nearby along with the stuff on them. Groaning, Buzz ran down the stairs and clutched a banana peel lying on the table before running behind him.

Perhaps Eddie forgot that Buzz had a good aim. Buzz threw the banana peel on the floor in front of Eddie and soon Eddie slipped on the harsh floor with a loud Oomph! Buzz raised a fist in the air and walked over to Eddie, who was cursing silently. "Better know who you're dealing with, big boy." He grinned at Eddie's scowling face and bent down, snatching the remote from his hands and turning to leave.

But it was the first rule of every war that Buzz was forgetting: Never turn your back on your enemy.

Eddie grabbed hold of Buzz's ankle and yanked it hard, causing Buzz to tumble on the floor on his stomach. A sharp pain rang through this body with a loud crash as he was the one who was muttering curses. Eddie grabbed hold of Buzz's belt and dragged himself on top of Buzz. "Trust me. I know." He murmured and grinned widely. 

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