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Buzz walked over to look at her when he was greeted by the three spies encircling her, saying nothing at all but their hard gaze seem to say everything. His gaze fell on Agnes, who was sweating. Her gaze was full of amusement and confidence.

"So?" He heard her speak casually and saw her slump her shoulders. "What'dya think?"

"What do we think?" The blondie exclaimed. "God, Agnes. I can't believe you chose to make a fool out of yourself in front of everybody. I mean, to be honest, that was a disaster."

"Yeah." Another girl with a unibrow chirped along. "There were thousands of people in there. And you were tripping and stumbling on the floor in front of thousands of people."

"But, they did applaud in the end, didn't they, Sherrie?" The unibrow, Sherrie, was silent and she turned towards the blondie. "And you Emilia. Didn't you choose to tell this to my mother so she could ground me for lifetime? Wasn't that the scheme?"

The pixie-haired girl, Rachel, exclaimed. "Well Emmy did warn you, Agnes. And we're trying to protect you-"

"From what, exactly? Mom?" Agnes folded her hands and looked at each of them, who were speechless and were looking at each other. "Look here, guys. You weren't trying to protect me. You were trying to make me. There's a difference."

"Oh my God." The blondie, Emilia, pressed her fingers on her chest. "Why would I do this, Aggie? I've always had your back."

"Yeah, I know." Agnes grinned from ear to ear. "A back to stab." Emilia looked like she was slapped on the face. Her eyes popped out of their sockets. At this and Agnes giggled. "And for the record, Aggie is a disgusting nickname." She spat. "It makes me sound like a new born baby being scratched on the belly. I would rather be called Agnes or twinkle toes." He chuckled and his heart did a somersault.

"So you're gonna break our friendship just to hang out with that dweeb?!" Sherrie screeched, making Buzz fume when he realized who was this dweeb she was talking about.

"At least he's a better kind of a dweeb than you guys, who are nothing more but heartless, squealing b*tches." Buzz bit back his laughter as the three girls had froze at this statement. At one glance, he knew that they weren't talking to their weak, stuttering Aggie. They were talking to a different, stronger, more confident Agnes.

"You are so gonna pay for this!" Rachel yelled at her, her face red and smoke fuming from her ears as she turned around and started to walk away. But it was a big mistake. She stopped after hearing a small squishing sound under her heels and held her breath, grimacing. When she lifted her heel a little bit, she saw a yellow, jelly-like thing stuck on her heels.

It wasn't before the whole room filled up with loud screams.

Rachel's face had turned red as she began to scream due to the filth stuck under her heel, which knocked both Sherrie and Emilia off their trances. Both Buzz and Agnes were roaring with laughter. There laughter had dissolved in the loud screams of Rachel who was being carried away by panicking Sherrie and Emilia. Buzz entered from behind the wall, laughing, but they didn't pay attention to him and carried away.

After the laughter die down, Agnes cringed playfully towards the direction of the door before looking at Buzz happily. And before she could say a word, she heard someone say her name and turn around. She froze as she saw the director of Swan Lake ballet standing in front of her.

"My name is Barbara Williams. I would like to speak with you for a moment."

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