Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

"My all-time favourite song is 'Fly Me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra and 'Boys of Summer' by Don Henley." Niall answered and Terrance chuckled.

"Callie wants to know 5 facts that not a lot of people know about you." Terrance read and Niall licked his lips thoughtfully.

"My favourite band is The Eagles. I'm 5 foot 7. I'm Catholic. When I was younger I had coulrophobia which means I had a fear of clowns. Those things are so creepy!" Niall said with a shiver. "And I'm a big supporter of the LGBT community. Not only because one of my best friends is part of it but because everyone should have equal rights. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, blue, or yellow. Everyone is entitled to the same rights as everyone else. Love is love no matter the gender." Niall said and Terrance smiled widely at him.

"Thank you for that, Niall. The community truly appreciates your support." Terrance said, wiping away a tear that had started to fall. He turned to Liam and smiled. "Liam. You're next. Erin wants to know how many songs you've written or helped write." Liam thought for a moment.

"27 for the band and I co-wrote one song for Cheryl. Louis is my songwriting partner. I love our writing sessions." Liam said and leaned forward, squeezing Louis' shoulder. Louis smiled up at him.

"I love them to, Lima Bean." Louis said with a chuckle and Liam stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Okay boys. You can flirt more backstage. Onto your next question, Li. Allyson has a question similar to Callie's. She wants to know 5 not well known facts about you." Terrance said, relaxing back into his chair. Liam thought hard before answering.

"The Jurassic Park series are some of my favourite films. I learned how to beatbox by emulating Justin Timberlake, who's one of my idols. I love making remixes of our songs and I made one of a Cheryl Cole song. I ran track in school and according to Niall I am the most competitive of the band." Liam said and smacked Niall when he made a sound of agreement.

"Ow!" Niall whined and everyone laughed loudly. Terrance shook his head with a smile.

"Anyway. Zayn. You're up next. Kheya wants to know why you left the band." Terrance asked bluntly and Zayn swallowed nervously.

"The honest reason why I left was because I was unhappy. I loved working with my brothers but the stress the fans brought took away the fun in performing. I got tired of having to watch my words so the fans didn't take them the wrong way. I had to leave and spread my wings because I knew I couldn't do it while I was still being watched by One Direction's management. I do miss being in the band at times but I definitely don't miss the drama that was attached to it." Zayn said and everyone looked at each other sadly.

"Lia would like to know if you ever plan on coming back to the band." Terrance read softly and Zayn nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"I don't know. Right now I want to focus on my own music and see where that takes me. I will always love each and every one of you but right now I need to find my path." Zayn said softly into the microphone and everyone nodded understandingly. Terrance, wanting to relieve some of the tension moved onto the next person.

"Louis, it's your turn. Madi wants to know why you decided to come out when you did." Louis nodded as he took a shaky breath.

"I decided to come out when I did because I was tired of hiding. I knew when I was young that I wasn't like everyone else. I knew that I didn't have crushes like everyone else. Even though there's going to be legal problems from this I don't care. I'm finally happy and free." Louis said happily and Terrance smiled proudly at him.

"Georgea wants to know if you plan on making a move on your secret guy." Terrance said with a smirk and Louis groaned.

"I already have but I'm just waiting for him to decide on what he wants." Louis said softly and Terrance nodded, turning to look at Adaley.

"Now I've got a couple questions for you, Ada." Terrance said and Adaley perked up smiling

"I'm ready Uncle Terr!" She said happily and Terrance laughed along with the crowd.

"First Belle wants to know what it's like to be part of the 1D family." Terrance asked and Adaley thought carefully.

"It's a lot of fun. Daddy and my uncles are the best people. Daddy is getting me a teacher and he said that I'm going to be his official daughter if my mommy doesn't make it." The little girl said softly and the crowd let out a soft hum of sadness. Terrance leaned over and kissed Adaley's cheek.

"Misha wants to know if you ship Louis and Harry as a couple." Terrance read and smirked when Louis and Harry both turn red. When Adaley gave him a confused look he laughed. "It means do you want Harry and Louis to be a couple." Adaley nodded understandingly and smiled.

"Yep. I like Daddy and Mr. Louis together. They're made for each other." Adaley said simply and Harry and Louis looked at her in shock. Everyone's jaws had dropped and Terrance cleared his throat.

"Well, Harry. It's your turn now. Jess wants to know what you think about Louis coming out." Terrance read and Harry shrugged.

"As long as Lou is happy then that's all that matters. Louis is a wonderful man and whoever he's in love with is one lucky boy because they will be loved beyond their wildest dreams." Harry said softly and everyone on the stage gave him a knowing look. Terrance pulled out his last card and swallowed loudly.

"Harry, Isra wants to know if you have any secrets." Terrance spoke quietly and Harry took in a sharp breath.

"I do. My biggest secret is that I'm bisexual and Katie is my beard." He said clearly and everyone let out a collective gasp. Louis stared at him with wide eyes and he was the first to speak.

"Oh shit."

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