Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Hey everyone! Let's get started on the questions!" Niall said happily and turned back, reading the screen behind him. "Reilly wants to know why I chose purple. I chose purple because I want to bring awareness to pancreatic cancer. Next question is from Tayler. She wants to know if I plan on keeping the purple hair." He read with a laugh and shrugged. "Who know? I might or I might not. You guys will just have to see!" He replied happily and shook Terrance's hand.

"Next we have Liam Payne who will be singing 'Cry Me a River' by Arthur Hamilton! Please give him a warm welcome!" Terrance said happily and Liam ran out on stage with his hair a bright orange. As he sang the song the entire room was silent as they watched him in amazement. Everyone was stunned at the improvement in his voice. When he finished the floor shook with the cheers that echoed. Liam felt tears prick his eyes as he watched everyone's reaction. When everyone finally died down he spoke.

"Thank you so much for the love everyone. I can't express how much I love you guys and the love you've given us over the years. Onto the first question!" Liam said happily and turned to look at the screen. First question that popped up followed the trend. "Meera wants to know why I chose orange. I chose orange because I want to bring awareness to Leukemia and kidney cancer. As you all know I had only one working kidney up until August 2012 so anything to do with kidneys hits home." Liam explained and wiped away the tears that were starting to fall from his eyes. Terrance came back onto the stage and hugged Liam tightly.

"Everyone please give Liam a cheer for being the amazing little cupcake that he is!" Terrance said and Liam turned a bright pink as the crowd started to scream. He disappeared back stage and Terrance finally quieted everyone down. "Next we have Harry Styles singing 'Isn't She Lovely' by Stevie Wonder!" Harry walked out on the stage with his beautiful brown hair dyed a grey color. Everyone looked at him in confusion and he brushed off the looks as he started to sing. Everyone gaped at him as he sang with everything in him. When he was finished everyone screamed loudly and that caused Harry to blush darkly.

"Thank you everyone for the love. Onto the questions." Harry said and turned back to the screen. "Pritika asked..." he started and stopped when there was a shout from the crowd.

"YOU CAN CALL ME PRI BABY." A girl yelled from the crowd. Harry laughed loudly and nodded.

"Dually noted, love. Pri asked why I decided to dye my hair grey." He read and he turned to smile at the crowd. "I dyed my hair grey to bring awareness to brain cancer. As you know Katie, my girlfriend, was diagnosed with it and she's the reason why we decided to have this concert." He explained and took a shaky breath. I love yous echoed through the center and Harry blew everyone a kiss. Terrance walked back out and kissed Harry on the cheek before the giant of a man disappeared backstage. He smirked because he knew that no one in the crowd knew that Zayn was in the building.

"Well we've done Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall." Terrance started and looked around the stadium. "I guess we're off to the next part of the concert..." he started to speak and all of the sudden the entire arena went dark people started to talk and some even screamed. In the confusion Zayn snuck on stage and hid behind a division that Harry and Niall carried up on stage. The lights came back on and Terrance looked at them with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. I guess someone forgot to pay the electric bill." He joked and looked over, faking surprise at the division that was next to him. "What's this?" he gasped and looked behind it, winking at Zayn. "We've hired someone to take over singing for Zayn." He said and hid his smile when boos erupted from the crowd. "Everyone, I'd like you to welcome Zayn Malik's replacement who's singing 'Let Me Love You' by Mario!" he said and the division lifted to show Zayn Malik sporting white hair and his winning smile. The crowd gasped and everyone screamed loudly as Zayn stood there, waving at everyone. When the crowd finally died down Zayn started to sing. Everyone was silent as Zayn sang, taking in the beautiful moment. After he finished his song the crowd started to scream and it took forever for them to quiet down.

"Thank you so much for your welcome." Zayn started off and was cut off by thousands of screams. He chuckled and motioned for everyone to quiet down yet again. When it was remotely silent he started to speak again. "I'm gonna start on the questions. Zuzi wants to know why I picked white. As you all know I've dyed my hair white before so I knew it looked good and I wanted to bring awareness to lung cancer. It's one of the top killer cancers and because of the research I've done I've decided to start the process of quitting smoking." He said proudly and everyone cheered. "Next question is from Alana and she wants to know if I plan on coming back permanently. As of this time I'm sad to say that I'm not. I'm doing this out of love for my brothers and those close to them. I know how much Katie means to everyone and I knew I had to be part of such an amazing thing." He said happily and shook Terrance's hand before disappearing backstage. Terrance faced the crowd with a smile.

"Next up we have some of the more famous performances from the X-Factor as well as their song from the judge's house. This concert will be longer than normal ones but there will be a break halfway through. Please enjoy the rest of our show." Terrance said with a smile and walked backstage to the boys. He smiled at them and they smiled slightly back. "Ready?" he asked, chuckling at their obvious nervousness.

"Ready as we'll ever be." Louis said in a shaky tone and Terrance clapped him on the back. As the boys ran out on stage Terrance picked Adaley up and she grabbed Harry's arm, kissing him on the cheek.

"Good luck Daddy." She said softly and Harry's heart melted. "I love you." Harry kissed her forehead and smiled.

"I love you too baby. This is all for you and your mummy. I hope I make you proud." Harry whispered and disappeared onto the stage. Adaley looked after him and sighed softly.

"I'll always be proud of you, Daddy. Always."

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