25 ~ Bruised Carnival

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"Yeah!" The three of them responded back.


They all parked there cars by the sides as tons of people began to walk through a giant rainbow tent. Since it was the first opening no tickets were needed.

The kids started to run towards it till there fathers came lifting them up earning shrieks and giggles from there little princesses.

"Where do you think you're going Sena?" Chuckled Yoongi as he held both of his girls in his arms and so did Jungkook.

They all walked through the tent and in there shimmering eyes were a ray of different colorful scenery. Acrobatic people in there suits twisting and moving their bodies in different shapes and forms, while others burst out fire from there mouths, some were playing magic tricks gaining attention from the visitors.

As they entered deeper inside the very lively park, the aroma of cotton candies and popcorn was so very heavy in the air as the kids could taste it. Roaming around the carnival looking for a thrilling rides for the kids to go on they could hear the excited screams of their children, ready to attack on anything they view. Food vendors shouting, trying to get visitors to taste the sweetness of there meals, and the music from the booths of the games of chance. Tripping over the power cables lain across the pathways, the Joens could barely maintain their balance or even keep up with the kids.

They've wondered around from tent to tent watching the acrobatics put on an amazing show, making fun of other people for jokes, bringing out live animals to do huge actions that made the audience gasp in awe. Some would ask for assistance from the crowd to help them with the stunt which they did very well.

The kids ordered most nutritious thing the carnival offered which was cheese fries and a Coke, they sat down with food in front of them as they glared at the fries that were smothered with yellow, creamy, cheddar cheese, the coke, in a sweaty cup was ice cold. After their feast, they continued on the journey in search of the next games or anything that attracted there attentions.

While everyone was busy gathering from one place to the other a giant totoro stuff pushy toy caught Lea's attention.

She rushed to one of the booth that had basketball hoops on. The game was pretty simple, get two basketball in the hoops twice and she'll be able to get the plushy, of course she has to pay two dollars on one basketball to go in and she hopes she'll make it.

She payed the guy as he gave her a basketball. She stood back aiming at the hoops carefully and then she threw it but failed to go in. She tried again and again but no luck was on her side till she felt like giving up.

Soon a girl came and played the same game only this time she actually made it in, in one shot. Lea gasp as the girl pointed to the same plush toy she wanted which made Lea very angry and pissed off.

The girl bowed at the guy as she stick out her tongue at Lea who suddenly jumped on the girl as she began punching her while she screamed for her dear life.

"That's supposed to be my doll! You took my doll!" She screamed while jabbing her fist on the little girls face.

"Mommy mommy!" The girl screamed.

Tons of people only surround the the two taking pictures or video taping them.

Lea was a very smart girl, to make it look like it was the girls fault she bravely punched herself on the arm causing it to bruise automatically, the people was dumbfounded by her behavior but continued to be bystanders.


Yoona who heard a distinctive yelling from afar abruptly let go of her dads hand as she rushed to the scene of the crime. Her eyes was wide awake rushing back to her parents tugging on there shirt pointing at the direction of the event.

Psychopath III ••J.J.K   [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن