Xain groaned and said, "That was my favorite part about the cave!!"

"It has to be done."

"I put work into making that damned rug; we are not leaving it."

"Ah shush, shush!!" I suddenly had an idea; a good one at that. They both looked at me, confused for the most part. I smiled shyly and said, "I know what I can do to get clothes and save the rug. Well, part of it. Do either of you have thread and a needle?"

Connor said, "I do. Why?"

"Because I'm going to make me an outfit with the rug and my dress."

Xain said, "No way, you're not ripping my rug up!"

I smiled softly and said, "Or we could just go on with me complaining about what I'm wearing and burn the whole rug. Your choice."

Xain took only a moment to respond. "Get her the damned thread and needle."

Connor made the slightest of chuckles and walked back into the cave. Xain walked up to me and said, "You better be glad I love you." I blushed furiously at him saying this, and he chuckled, kissing me softly and saying, "And you better get used to me saying that too..."

I inhaled his scent and almost lost it.

I was starting to realize that being around him and Connor would be dangerous, and not because they were werewolves.

Connor came back and handed me his sewing kit, saying, "Don't take long."

I nodded and smiled at both of them, saying, "Don't worry, I won't."


"You know, that doesn't look half bad," Xain said, winking at me. I blushed softly and said, "You're flattering me when it's not needed. My mom just taught me well when I was younger."

Xain chuckled and checked out my outfit once more.

I had ripped parts of my dress up, as well as the hide, and sewn them together. I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a movable layered skirt that stopped at my knees. The skirt was layered with both a part of my dress and the hide and stopped at my knees, and most of my shirt was made from the same, except most of the sleeves on my arm were just the sleeves from my dress.

My feet were bare at first, but Connor gave me a pair of white flats that he was barely able to sneak out of my house.

The outfit, although a little off, was warm and comfortable, and based on how the boys looked at me, it didn't look too bad on me.

We burned the rest of my dress and hide, and both men shifted before my eyes once more.

It was still amazing to watch them shift like that.

Connor gently rubbed the top of my head before lifting me up.

'You'll be on my back for awhile, human.' I poked his nose and said, "Lyra. And don't forget it."

'We'll see,' he replied, putting me in position to where I could get on his back. I swore I heard Xain laugh. I clung onto Connor as he took off. I glanced to my right and saw that Xain was holding the satchels and duffel bag, keeping up with us.

I closed my eyes and gently rubbed Connor's fur as he ran, trying my best not to fall asleep.

But I eventually passed out, clinging to Connor's soft warmth.


"Hey sleepy head, it's time to get up."

I opened my eyes and found Xain and Connor looking down at me.

The Imprinted Maiden (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ