Always Remember...2

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Autumn P.O.V.


“This is something you don’t see every day.” My mom said as I begun to wake up.

It was bright outside and the sun was shining my leg were numb and so were my arms. I look down to see Seth’s heavy body on my right leg and India was hogging the pillow.

“I wish these three would get along more often. But seeing them like this makes me believe today is going to be a good day.” he said. “No arguing no pulling pranks on each other. Today might be a good day to stay home and be together as a family.” my dad said sarcastically as he sat on the edge of my bed.

“Stop moving the bed” Seth said flipping over so that he was on his other side.

“Yeah, and can you continue this conversation somewhere else. I don’t know, like somewhere but here. You people are so rude, have no respect for people who’re sleeping” India said taking the pillow and putting it over her face.

“Ok come on Arthur, let’s leave our little demons to sleep.” my mom said pulling my dad by his arm.

“I thought they were our little angels.” he said getting off the bed causing Seth to growl.

“Well they were, but they became demons when they became teenagers. Now they’re only angels when they’re sleeping.” she said as they disappear out my room.

I looked over at the clock to see it was almost ten a.m.. That way to early for me to be waking up. I tried going back to sleep but that didn’t work. Usually I had a whole bed to toss and turn on but now I only have a small portion of that.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my jean shorts and a purple t- shirt I got from Rue21. On the front of the shirt I said ‘We're each others back up’s and it had a ketchup bottle and a mustard container turned so that they had each other back towards each other. It was my favorite shirt.

I went back to my room to check if India and Seth were awake but they weren’t they were sound asleep. I went down stairs not knowing what else to do. My mom was in the kitchen making something that smelt good and my dad was sitting in the living room watching t.v.

I decided to go bother my dad. He was watching wrestling.

“Hey dad!” I said plopping down on the sofa next to him.

“Hey sweetie” he said not looking away from the t.v. to look at me.

“I bet I could beat you in wrestling” I said knowing I can’t.

He just laughed at me and shook his head. “Sweetie, every time you say that it makes me laugh. I’m way stronger than you. If I wanted to hurt you I can. Didn’t you learn you lesson last time?” he said smiling.

“Yeah, you really did teach me a lesson. Not to wrestle with weak people like you.” I said smiling as I added the last part.

“What?” he said, studded by my words.

“Yeah, you taught me how to not wrestle with weak people like you. Yeah, dad trust me I’ll never kick your butt like that again. I can’t believe you went crying to mom.” I said shaking my head. “That had to be your lowest moment ever.”

“You asked for it!” he yelled before lifting me up and dropping me on the floor making a loud thump sound.

“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready" I complained. As I grabbed his leg and pulled it hard, so that he could fall on the floor with me. But he didn't , he stumbled backwards a few step, but didn’t fall.

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