Chapter 80

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This is Ky's parents old bedroom. Her and Blair added all the pillows threw to count the years they have been gone

Taylor cancelled his tour... I am so sad, and I can't even get my money back.

(Ky's POV)
I stood up to see the shadow. It was Hayes. I didn't respond because I had no clue what to say. I walked toward him a bit and he kept walking toward me until we were inches away from each other. He smelled so good. A mix between cologne and a hot Florida night. He looked down at me, and I gave in and looked up toward him.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you. I just get really jealous when other guys make out with the love of my life." He said hinting a smile. I couldn't resist but to smile back. "I am truly sorry, and I know you might not want to be with me, but I love you Kyler." There was a pause as he looked toward the gulf then his locked on mine. "Like a lot." He said.

I kept my eyes glued to his. Do you know how hard it is to resist grabbing someone and just kissing them. Yea, it is really hard especially when you are crazy about that person. You just want to cuddle up to that person and never let go.

I took my eyes off him for a second to look at my bare feet. But right as I looked down he picked my head up and grabbed the back of my neck and put his hand on the small of my back so quickly then kissed me. Hard. This is what I wanted to do. why didn't I make the first move?

I decided to give him what he deserved and slowly grinded against him never breaking the kiss, he groaned. I decided to pull away. He looked at me astonished then cracked a smile. I went to kiss him again, but stopped. "I love you too Hayes. To the moon and back times 7." I said looking right at his lips.

He smiled and gave me a huge hug. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Awe, how cute." Emma says in awe. I jumped down and hugged Hayes. "Girly night, bye bye." I said pecking his cheek and shooing him away. He chuckled and walked to his house.

"So you guys made up?" Sam asked as Emma hit her stomach. "Ouch." She said pouting. "You hurt my six pack." Sam said petting her stomach. Emma and I laughed at her. She pouted and grabbed a sweatshirt that she used as a cover up. "Let's walk?" Sam suggested.

"I totally forgot. Yea lets go." I said looking at Emma. She nodded and we all got up. Sam passed us our flashlights. Our walk lasted for about 45 minutes until we tuned back.

By that time we were so tired. We got back to my house and sam slept on the floor (her choice) and Emma and I slept in my parents old room. (The same room)

We finally made sam get up on the bed too and sleep in the middle.

We were asleep within 5 minutes. We are those kinds of friends at a sleepover. Except Sam sleeps forever and Emma and I are up at the crack of dawn.

(Hayes' POV)
This might have been my last chance to keep Ky and i's relationship alive. I can't mess it up.

Sorry short update

Xoxo sarah🍍

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