Chapter 62

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This is Kyler and Cassy in 8th grade
(Ky's POV)
Today was our last day in Chicago. I was sad but I want to go home. I want to be there for Josh. So doesn't emma, but he keeps shutting us out. He hasn't talked to emma in a while. I know his grandma died, but we are just trying to comfort him. I'll give him a little time. I don't know about emma though.

Once we got downstairs, we walked backstage. There was a lot of screaming already and it doesn't start for another hour.

"Guys full house, we are going on early!" Bart yelled. We all groaned because we were still tired. Bart frowned and walked away.

Mahogany lox went out on stage. She got everyone hyped up before we went out. Oh yea, did I mention? Emma, Josh, Sam, Spencer, and I are in magcon now. We aren't just guests. Yayyy!

-currently crying, sorry. Btw not because the story-

Mahogany was getting everyone turnt while we were getting ready also. I don't what to get ready for. Like, I don't do anything.

Mahogany started announced get the guys. "Hayes and now Spencer!" She said lastly.

"Now for my personal favorite, Kyler, emma, Sam, and Ellie." I smiled and went out on stage. Wait, did she say Ellie? As in Ellie Gilinsky?That is when I saw her come out too. She smiled at me and went to make out with Taylor.


My mouth practically dropped. I will deal with this later.

Nash barged in and took the microphone. "And mahogany LOX! Our amazing DJ. And her lovely assistant but still just as great, Cassy!" He yelled I tot he microphone as the girls tried screaming over him.

I laughed as Cassy tried to bow and almost fell off stage.

We moved on to this pres conference type thing with questions.

"Is cash real?!" One of the girls screamed." I grabbed the microphone, "ya because Cameron is too nashty for everyone else!" I yelled I tot he mic. All the girls started laughing.

"Why is Ellie back?! I thought she hurt you Kyler?" One girl screamed.

Ellie grabbed the microphone.

"Listen I did a really mean thing and I was stupid. Bart was nice enough to give me a second chance." She said looking over to me.

I smiled. She winked at me with a smirk. Oh god. She was lying.

"Anyway..." Mahogany said breaking the silence.

"Anymore questions?" A ton of hands shot up. Hayes picked on a girl way in the back. One of the security guards brought her a microphone.

"I'm Sierra. I used to cut. I was bullied pretty bad, and people called my lesbian and stupid. I wasn't any of those things. I turned to my blade. But Cameron, Dylan, and Matt, you guys saved me. You reminded me to forget the haters. I love you guys. And Kyler you are also my lifesaver. I always listen to the vine Hayes posted of you singing. It makes me feel better. I'm sorry for taking up so much time, but I just wanted to say thank you." She said smiling. I think I could see a tear. I stood up.

"I'm coming Sierra." I said hopping off the stage. I went through the he crowd of people. I saw her face. She was so pretty. I saw the cuts on her arms. "Baby, it'll be okay." I reassured her and hugged her for a good 2 minutes. I gave her a VIP pass to meet the me and the others. She was crying so much. But they were tears of joy.

Once we finished the show it was time for the meet and greet part.

I actually had a fairly long this time.

I got a few posters. They were so amazing. I followed all the makers of them on Twitter. Got a picture with a hot guy who was there with is sister. He said that what I did for that little girl was amazing.

"Thanks, but I think it was all her." I told him. He smiled and said, "thanks for saving my sister. I thought she was gone." I looked at him astonished. That was his sister.

I hugged him. "Anything." I whispered. He hugged back. He was such a good hugger. Then again a lot of guys are.

I said goodbye and we left, bringing his sister with him.

I met about 200 more people and then it was over.

We went back to Hayes, Dylan, and Spencer's room for pizza and truth or dare.

"Matt, truth or dare?" Sam asked.

"Truth." He answered.

"Would you date in this room?" Taylor asked raising his eyebrows.

"Probably Cassy or Kyler because they are pretty chill." He said winking at me. I blushed a bit but laughed it off. I saw Hayes glaring at Matt. Gilinsky more so.

"Kyler, truth or dare?" Matt asked.

"Dare." I smirked.

"Calls the 53 contact on your phone and tell them you are pregnant." He said. I started laughing so hard. Everyone else did too. Except for angel probably because she is pregnant. Oooo... Roasted.

I scrolled through my phone and found that the 53rd person on my contacts was.. Oh god...


What will Kyler do?

Xoxo sarah😉

It's you, and me.(Hayes Grier)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz