Chapter 61

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(Taylor's POV)
The bitch. I thought she loved me. I guess she is just another slut that I have to deal with in the world. Can you tell I'm pissed?

Maybe I'll bring in my life long crush into this.

I met her in pre-k, we were partnered with each other for everything, she was so nice, and pretty.
We were best friends, and she even kissed me on my cheek. We hung out everyday until her parents got into a bad divorce. She was forced to move to Iowa with her dad. Her brother stayed with her mom and they moved to Nebraska.

Ellie Gilinsky.

(Ellie's POV)
I had gotten home from magcon Chicago regretting everything. I was just protective of Jack. And Kyler made me mad. I mean she is nice, but I don't really like her.

I was sitting on my front porch trying to cool off from a 4 mile run. I'm on the track team, and I need to be prepared for the fall season. I am one of the best runners on my team.

I was sitting on the porch drinking some lemonade. Ah. The drink was so cold on a hot day. right now it was about 87 degrees. Not as Hot as my place in Louisiana.

I still own my house in Louisiana, we just never go down there anymore.

I have only met my brother once since my parents split up. Magcon. I also saw someone who looked familiar but I wasn't there long enough to know.

I miss Jack. I regret hurting Kyler. I regret not spending more time with Jack I regret splitting my parents up. Yes, it was my fault.

My mom and dad always teamed up against me. One day I got so upset, I made them get into a fight. I made it look like my dad cheated on my mom..... With a man. My mom was appalled. She took jack and moved out.

My dad said he was too scared to live there, if she came back to hurt us. I agreed and we moved to Iowa.

Once we moved here I went into depression. I cut and I was bullied for being different.

My dad found out and made me join a sport to get my mind off of self abuse. I joined track because I was a pretty good runner. I got my grades up, and led life normally. I started getting more friends and soon I was a popular girl as some people refer to it. Life was so good.

I needed a summer job so I signed up for Magcon. Not knowing jack was there. I was over joyed when I saw him again. I love him so much.

My thoughts were interrupted by my buzzing.

@taylorcaniff want to follow you on Instagram!

I questioned the name. I know that name. I looked on his profile. It was the guy from Magcon! It was Taylor! My old best friend!

I have had a crush on him for so long. Maybe I should ask Bart if he can reconsider me.

(Ky's POV)
Last day of Magcon!

I didn't wake up until 9:45am. I got up, and went downstairs to get breakfast. I was wearing spandex and a volleyball t-shirt.

Once I got to the lobby there was a buffet of food. My favorite. I pretty much put everything on my plate and sat down to eat. I was halfway through my food when Sam, emma, and cassy came down and joined me.

Once we were done we went back upstairs to change. Everyone's outfit consisted of.....

Cassy: black high waisted shorts and a Jack and Jack t-shirt. She curled her hair and put on her Alex and Ani® bracelet. She looked so pretty. She wore black vans.

Sam: low rise lime green short shorts, with a white vans t-shirt. She added a Taylor beanie to it and straightened her hair. She wore red vans.

Emma: a black skater skirt with a blue Nash shirt. She put her hair into a ponytail and wore an navy bracelet. Her cousin was stationed in the pacific ocean. She tied it together with blue vans.

Me: I wore red white and blue faded Shorts. I put my Matt t-shirt on. Sorry Hayes. I had Sam fishtail my hair, and I put on a matching bracelet to emma. Sam and I matched with red vans. Cassy and I just match because we are besties.

We got together and took our phones out from charging and and walked out of our room toward the guy's room.

Matt passed by us and winked at me. I smiled and laughed. "Love you matty!" I screamed back to him. "Love you too!" He yelled back.

We met up with the jacks, Hayes and Dylan near the elevator. We rode down with them, to go meet the others.

We got out of the elevator to see...

Josh hobbled toward the elevator.

"BEST FRIEND!" I yelled as loud as I could probably shattering Dylan's ear drum.

"KY!" He screamed back smiling. I sprinted to him and hugged him so tight. Emma followed close behind. I'm fast than her. Hehe.

(True in real life too)

I love life so much!

That last part made me laugh
Xoxo Sarah🔥

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