Chapter 63

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Should I give y'all another pic of josh?
Btw I found a hot one
(Josh's POV)
I thought I would get out of the hospital in the morning. I was wrong. It is 8pm and I am walking out of the hotel into a cab.

I got into the cab and told the man where to go. He nodded in the rear view mirror and he sped toward the hotel. We are flying back to Tampa tomorrow, so I don't really need to do anything.

The taxi driver pulled up to the curb of the hotel, almost going up on the curb. I paid him and got out of the car slowly not wanting an even worse head ache.

The glass door opened for me as I walked I tot he hotel. I smiled when I saw where we had magcon. Good memories.

I walked to the elevator, and pressed the button to go up. As the door opened I got butterflies in my stomach. I can't wait to hug and kiss emma. I can't wait to hang with the guys. And I can't wait to have brother sister talks with ky.

As I got off the elevator and turned the corner, I saw the little indent that my head made in the wall. I laughed a bit, and kept walking. I heard a ton of laughs coming from my room so that's where I went. I heard some cheers saying "otp!" I laughed and wondered who it was.

I opened the door and smiled and looked in.....

They were talking about Emma and Cameron. They were making out. What? My smile quickly faded.

One by one everyone noticed I was there. Emma must've noticed how quiet it was. She pulled away from Cameron, smiling. She bit her lip and looked over.

He suddenly looked worried. Ugh. I'm not listening to her. I closed the door and jogged down the hallway. My head ache came back. It hurt so freaking bad. Maybe it was just from emma.

I made it to the elevator and pressed the button. I can't stay here. I need to get out. I need to see my grandma.

(Cameron's POV)
We went back to Hayes' room after magcon to play truth or dare. Emma sat next to me. I think she is finally warming up to me. I mean she was okay with it in the locker room but I'm not saying anything.

She kept smiling at me. I still like her. A lot. I can't do anything because of Josh so you know- "Cameron." Emma interrupted my thoughts. I looked over to her and smiled. "Is that okay?" She asked.

"What?" I asked. Nash laughed. "Dude, emma was dared to kiss you for a whole minute." Nash was dying of laughter. I slapped his back, and turned back to emma.

Emma nodded. I leaned in and so did she.

"And start." Taylor said starting his phone timer.

Are lips collided. She moved closer. She hopped a bit onto my lap not breaking the kiss. I pulled her closer. She intensified the kiss. I went along with it, trying to body roll on her. She giggled right as everyone started shouting "otp!" Finally. I've never been an otp. Suddenly everyone got quiet. Taylor's timer went off and we separated.

Emma pulled away and giggled a bit. I smiled back at her, then looked at Taylor. He was pointing. Toward the door. Shit. It was Josh.

Josh ran out of the room when emma got up. Shit. I messed up big time.


Will things ever be he same?

Xoxo sarah😉

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