Chapter 41

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Long car ride tomorrow, so I can write
(Hayes' POV)
The main reason I want to find nash is that he told me he really liked Blair. And if he gets her pregnant, I can't date ky. And if I don't have ky, I don't know what I have. I love her so much. Nash and Blair are just in their relationship because Blair wants attention, so she dresses like a slut. In the end it pays off for her cuz she is less of a Virgin. (That autocorrected to Virginia)

The girls waited in the car with Josh, and cam.

I walked though a group of drunk people slurring their words. I almost got crushed by a guy who wanted to crowd surf. He had jumped from the second story. Stupid.

This slut came up to me and started grinding on me. "Stop." I shooed her away. "Don't you remember me hayzie?" She slurred with a giggle at the end. That wasn't even funny, it was creepy. But I know who that is, that's my ex-girlfriend, Hope.

Hope was the slutiest girlfriend I even had. She always tried to blow me, and pressure me. I never let her though. Our relationship only lasted a couple weeks or so. Then I broke up with her, because she got drunk, and had sex with a 30 year old.

When I broke up with her, she convinced her mom that she was haertbroken, and had to move to Florida. I totally forgot about that.

"Please stop Hope." I said pushing her off of me. "I know you still want me!" She slurred raising her cup, as I pushed though the crowd trying to find nash.

Now I have to check upstairs.

There was 5 bedrooms. I was really scared to look in there.

I opened the first door to see exactly what I didn't want to see. Robby day eating Karen boughs out. Ew. I slammed the door closed. Ew

I ran to the second door, and opened it to see nothing. Uh thank god. I needed a break so I walked in and closed the door. I sat down on the bed.

"Hi sexy." I heard someone whispered. I turned around to see Annie gorilla. She was naked and wet. Shit, "bye!" I screamed. "Can't wait for history class next year!" She yelled back. Ew, ew. She was the smartest girl in the grade.

Third door. I opened it and I saw nash and Blair. They were laying on the bed holding hands, just talking. They were looking toward the ceiling. awe.

"Hey guys we have to go." I told them. They agreed. "We didn't have a ride home, I tried calling you guys, but you didn't pick up.

We couldn't go back downstairs, I would loose one of them. Thank god there was a pool below us, and it was raining so nobody was in or around the pool.

"Nash lets go." I told him. He nodded. I climbed out onto the roof. And I jumped. It was actually really fun. Blair came next then nash. Alright let's go guys.

We went to cam's pick-up and Josh and emma were making out. Ew. "In the back lovers!" Nash yelled. Spencer, Josh, sam, emma, ky, and I hopped into the bed of the truck.

"Autobots, roll out." Cam said in his voice. We all laughed. Ky cuddled into me again. " I love you so much." I told her rubbing her arm. "I love you too." She said looking over. "I'm sorry I was so crazy earlier." I told her. "Shut up and kiss me." She said, smashing her lips to mine. I kissed back. I loved her so much.

I love you guys so much❤️
Xoxo sarah🔥

It's you, and me.(Hayes Grier)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant