Chapter 57

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Josh is a turd. And hot turd tho
(Nash's POV)
I was getting really pissed that Cam wouldn't tell me where he was. I texted him at least 15 times. He just responded with,

Tin cam😛: busy, can't talk

Where would he be? Where would everyone else be? Wait. Josh. Hayes. Shit.

Everyone was with Josh.

(Josh's POV)
"Everyone! Josh took a hard hit today, I think he needs some peace and quiet." A nurse came in and told everyone. Everyone said their goodbyes and get wells, then walked out.

I felt bad. Everyone wasting their time just to come and see me. I mean it is almost midnight, and they have the last day of Magcon tomorrow.

I wanted to tell them. Tell them they can go home. I tried to get up.

I sat up slowly and was okay. I draped my legs over the bed, and started to stand. One leg at a time. I planted both feet on the ground and started to walk.

"Ahh." I grunted falling. As I started walking I felt a sharp pain in my head. I fell to the ground. I can't get up I thought. That's when someone ran in to see what was going on.

A strong arm helped me up. I looked to see Matt looking me straight in the eye.

"dude are you alright?" He asked concerned. I looked and nodded as he set me down in the bed. "Just a little dizzy." I said laying down slowly.

"Take it easy okay man." He said winking and starting to walk away.

"Matt." I whispered.

He actually heard me and came back. "What's up?" He asked while clapping his hands together. "Tell everyone to go home. I don't want them here." I mumbled. Matt must have understood me because he nodded and patted my shoulder. He smiled and walked out.

"Stay strong man." He said halfway in the hallway already.

(Matt's POV)
I was walking back to the waiting room when I saw a note on the chair where I was sitting before.

We are at the café!
-the group

Explains why no one was there anymore. I stuck the note in my pocket and walked toward the elevator.

I turned the corner to the elevator when I saw Nash.

He isn't supposed to be here. If Hayes see's him he will flip. Nash saw me and smiled.

"Dude what are you doing here?!" I whisper-screamed.

"I came to see you guys." He said.

"If Hayes see's you he will be so pissed." I said. Nash nodded.

Then the elevator opened to reveal....

(Hayes' POV)
I ordered an iced tea and told ky I would be right back. I need to see Josh in private. He is one of my best friends.

I also wondered where Matt was. He said he was going to the bathroom, and I hope he got our note. I walked toward the elevator. I pressed the up arrow and waited. The door opened 5 seconds later.

The ride up took 2 minutes. It was a big hospital so the elevator took a while.

I took out my phone as the doors opened and unlocked it. I looked up when I saw two figures standing in front of me.

I looked up to see Matt and that curse of a brother Nash.

"Dude I'm so sorry. I am such a bad brother, I hope you can forgive me." He said before I could even speak. I smiled, "I missed you brother." I said walking over to him to hug him.

We 'bro hugged' and each said sorry. I think Matt was taking a video, but I truly did miss not talking to Nash 24/7. Even though we were fighting for like 6 hours or so.

"You guys are so cute." Matt said as we laughed.

"Lets go brother." Nash said laughing putting his arm around me.

"I actually was going to talk to Josh." I said taking Nash's arm off of me.

"Josh said he was too tired to see anyone else." Matt said. That made me sad. I really wanted to see Josh. I guess not.

"More Haysie boo for me." Nash said trying to act like Kyler. That made me feel better. I laughed and we walked into the elevator.

"I love you guys." Matt said putting his arms around us. Nash and I awed like teenage girls and hugged Matt. We laughed for the rest of the ride down the elevator.

These were my brothers.

This was trash
Xoxo sarah🔥

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