Chapter 56

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Longer chapter😏
(Josh's POV)
I woke up with Emma's arms wrapped around my waist. She was asleep. She was so cute sleeping.

I kissed the top of her head and she started moving.

"Go back to sleep beautiful." I cooed rubbing my hand through her hair. She smiled and started to get up.

"I need to find Kyler. I need to talk to her." She said standing up and looking at me. I nodded and grabbed her hand.

"I love you." I said kissing her head. She leaned over and kissed me. It lasted a good minute. "I love you more." She told me. I smiled and whispered, "impossible", as she was walking away. She turned back and smiled.

(Ky's POV)
Cassy and I got to Josh's room and he was alone. He was looking at something. I stopped everyone else from coming in, and Cassy and I walked in.

Josh looked up, and quickly tried to hide the picture. "Josh, what was that?" Cassy asked before I got to it.

Josh sighed and gave her the piece of paper. It was a picture of an old woman. "Who is this?" I asked looking up to notice he was crying.

"My grandma." He answered. He forced and smile and took the picture back. I hugged him and so did Cassy.

"She died." Josh whispered in my ear as I hugged him. I started to tear up. I'm so sorry Josh. I'm here if you need me.

"Well the thing is, I have to leave the tour for 2 weeks, and I don't know how to tell Emma." He said looking down.

"You'll figure it out." Cassy said unsympathetically. I kicked her ankle and she winced and said, "tell her what you told us." I laughed a bit because she sounded really funny.

"Where is Emma anyway?" Cassy asked. "I don't know, she said she was going to find you." Josh said bobbing his shoulders up and down once.

That's when I walked out into the hallway and brought the others in. Josh's eyes went wide when he saw everyone. Even Emma. Crap, was she listening?

Emma walked toward Josh with tears in her eyes and hugged him. "I need you." She cried into his chest.

Josh hugged her back and whispered something I couldn't hear. She let go of Josh and walked to Taylor. She just needed a hug. I walked over to them and joined them. Then Cassy came over.

Then Hayes, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Then Matt, who had the best hugs.

Then Dylan, who put an arm around me and one around Taylor.

Then Jack who came up behind Cassy.

Then Cameron helped Josh over and we had a huge group hug. I loved every second of it.

This is what family is.

(Nash's POV)
I fell asleep regretting everything that I had done. I hate myself so much. How could I do that to Hayes? My own blood and flesh.

I woke up around 11pm. Everyone was gone. Where were they? I checked my phone and saw I got a text from cam.

Tin cam😛: out late tonight. I'm with Matt. See you later man.

Nash: okay, I'm tired😂

I texted cam back. He read it but he had no reply. Damn, what's his problem.

I decided I might as well do a following spree on Twitter. So I tweeted out,

@nashgrier : oranges

@nashgrier : like and retweet my last retweet for a follow!

A lot of people are still up! It spent around 2 hours following and liking peoples tweets. I took my mind off of Hayes.

Around 1:30am I stopped tweeting and following, and decided to go apologize to Hayes. Before I left to go to his room I tweeted,

@nashgrier : I'm sorry. Biggest mistake I ever made. I'm sorry Hayes.

I took a deep breath and Walked toward Hayes' room. I sure hope this works.

I had a key, so I opened the door. I looked into he dark room. I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I just whispered, "Hayes?"

I couldn't find him. Or anyone for that matter. I checked all the other rooms. Nobody but Carter fast asleep, Angelina fell asleep watching Netflix.

I decided to text cam.

Nash: where are you?

Tin cam😛: you wish you knew

Damn. What's his problem.

What's with cam?

Will Hayes forgive Nash?

Will Josh be okay?

Will Emma be okay without Josh for 2 weeks?

Xoxo Sarah🔥

It's you, and me.(Hayes Grier)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ