"Screw you."

The lights went out.

I woke up in the middle of an alley deep in a city. Once again, I didn't know where I was. I got up and checked if I had any weapons or money on me. I had a note in my pocket and I read it.  

Think of your friends and other people not just yourself!  

There was an address written below it.

I have decided my fate. I won’t do any more damage to people than I already have. When they get out, my friends have to go back and live normal lives like normal people not stay and fight my war that I got sucked into by who knows who.

I walked through the dark street and heading deep into down town where all the abandon places and factories look to be.

Something in the back of my mind told me to just forget about them and run for my life, but something stronger and louder told me to do the right thing.I tried not to think of anything but the address on the piece of paper.

I looked through the abandon places and found an old YMCA looking gym with the exact address as the paper.

“Now or never” I whispered so only the winds heard and carry my voice.

I walked in silently into the dark office like area where you signed in to use the gym. It was pitch black; I could barely see my hand in front of me.

“Changed your mind on surrendering dear Night?” said a familiar voice from out of the shadows.

“On one condition” I said stopping in my tracks.

Where have I heard his voice before?

“Typical for you type of children” he said.

“You shouldn't get any conditions stupid girl” another familiar voice said. T

his voice I knew well from before.

“How's your face Joshie?” I said.

I heard him growl and felt someone grab for me and tried pinning my arm behind me. With ease I flipped the person over me and they landed with a loud tut. I hear them get up, but didn't hear anything else. Before I knew it I was on the floor being kicked in the stomach and getting the air knocked out of my lungs.

“That's enough Joshua!” the familiar voice said with command.Joshua stopped kicking me and hauled me up and pinned my arms back. “Back to what we were talking about, what is this condition of yours?”

“Let my friends and family... go and leaving them... alone for good” I said trying to catch my breath. I ignored the pain from where I got kicked and tried to tell where the voice was coming from. "And try to... keep their lives as normal as you can get it for them."

“Hmm, you got yourself a deal” he snapped his fingers and I was let go.

“Let me see them first” I said.

“But that wasn't part of the deal” he said from in front of me.

I lunged forward grabbing the mystery person into a deadly headlock. “Let me see them or I'll snap your neck” I threatened.

“Get the prisoners to the gym. NOW” he commanded. I heard people move around. I let him go and soon as I did it I was grabbed again. “I must admit, Midnight, you drive a hard bargain,” he said into my ear sending shivers down my back, “Try anything else and I will snap your neck. Blindfold her.”

People came and they blindfolded me. They pushed me forward to the direction of the gym I supposed.

“Let me go you filthy over growth shit called man!” I heard Daniela's voice from a far.

Dark at Midnight ~*BOOK ONE*~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα