What she doesn't get is to why Jungkook treats his daughters like royalty, whatever they do he would look pass it, thinking that it's not a big deal. In Lynn's eyes it was a big deal, her twins are separating themselves from her, they only go to her father for advice it's like they all change for the worse.

When Lea finally calmed down Jungkook came back pulling Lynn to his office room.

He closed the double doors locking it. "Lynn.. what's wrong with you lately?" he says pulling strands of hair behind her ears. She held her head at the beating of a headache ready to form .

"No no ... there's nothing wrong with me.. there's something wrong with all of you, Lea, Ailee! Gosh Jungkook our daughters are turning to some kind of bad kids .. and it's your fault they're acting like this! I I don't know, I can't think right or even understand them they were so sweet and kind till I got married and now they're both behaving like teens who have no authorities. We should talk to some family council and try to explain what's been happening.. Jungkook I can't live with them being like this .. It's scaring me" she said walking around like a mad woman ready to rip her hair apart.

"Would you calm down, don't worry they'll be punished for what they've done. As for now we should just watch them ourselves, if the other one acts up then we should all talk it through .. how's that sound? They're still kids they'll learn from their mistakes" he says playing with Lynn's hands.

Lynn sinked his words in, he was right in someways, they're still learning and today Lea made a mistake she'll learn not to make it again and the family talk sounds good other than one on one. Maybe they'll learn to express themselves a little better she thought.

Lynn nodded at Jungkooks suggestion, he smiled at her giving her a peck on her cheeks. She walked out of his office only to have V outside waiting. "Oh ... V oppa you scared me"

He didn't say anything except give her a weak smile, "Excuse me Lynn" he said moving pass her. "Ah okay" she says. The double door was locked once again, she didn't think of any much of it so she headed back to the kitchen still feeling guilty for what she's done to Lea.


V locked the doubled doors turning around witnessing Jungkook smoking weed. "Hyung.. what's up?" He ask while blowing the smoke around. "Lynn.. That's what we should talk about.. you avoided me last time maybe this time you won't?" he responded back.

Jungkook went around his desk leaning on the rolling chair as he placed his legs on the wooden desk. He smoked some more watching the vapors disperse into thin air. "What about her?" he ask while playing with his neck tie. "You're enjoying her aren't you? Now that she's alive you're planning on playing with her heart some more" V says playing with his nails. Jungkook chuckled at his words "Hyung you make it sound so bad... I don't know hyung. My feelings for her are like a roller coaster. It's really hard to explain" he says finishing his last weed of smoke.

"She slapped Lea today, it breaks my heart to see my baby cry. Why can't my wife be like Lexi" V's ears perked up, Lexi is Jungkook assistant she knows who he is and knows what he does yet she didn't care that he showed the real him to her. She was fascinated by the whole family of psychos, it was interesting in her view, Jungkook kept an eye on her, he liked the way she treated her daughters, whatever they did she would look pass it. What was bad in everyone's eyes was good in hers.

"Remember from the beginning I only married Lynn so she could be with her kids, I raped her and she gave me two beautiful baby girls which I'm glad to see them hurting other low life shit heads out there ... teaching them how to have no mercy on someone makes me happy to see them doing it to other people, and when the two gets older my fortune goes to them. If I didn't have kids who's going to run the family business of slaughter house" he says rolling up another batch of weed to smoke.

"What's Lynn to you then? V ask curiously he knows Jungkook old self is coming back and there no turning back. Although V is worried about Lynn, he couldn't save her this time.

"She's my .. entertainment when I'm bored" he chuckled.

V technically wasn't fazed by the answer, Jungkook will never ever be cured. It's a disease that is  incurable. He can't change, in fact he will never change. He will always play with her no matter what. It's a cycle of a toxic relationship that won't end. And Lynn..well she too can't change how she is. She cant escape him because how can she, she's been manipulated so much that, that's the only thing she knows, she's already attached and nothing will change. plus no family members to take care of her. She's stuck with us till the end.

Wow Jungkook what has gotten into you *sigh* it's like my second update today hohooo ~~~ enjoying the story? Well don't forget to read, vote and comment ^^ see you again jellybunnies ^^

Psychopath III ••J.J.K   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now