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So, this story is obviously coming to an end like I said it would but I'm definitely writing a new story in its place. I would love if you all checked it out for me. It's called HU$TLER. I even got better at making covers so it doesn't look childish and it's not a childish story. I'm done with August Alsina Fan Fictions b/c it gets harder and harder to be original when we're all talking about the same person with the same accent and same history and it's honestly getting old. I'm trying to prove that I can do something other then write teen lovey dovey tales. So with that being said b/c I know you most likely didn't read any of this ...

Read, vote, comment and maybe even share HU$TLER


10 Years Later...

"You're good to go, Inmate." I was finally free. C.O. Dennis handed over the belongings I brought in with me and the remainder of the money I had left on my books. "Your husband just called in, saying he's outside. You better get out there, inmate." She smirked. She's always been the cool one. She would talk to me when I was feeling down and even just for a few laughs. She kept me hip on the outside news.

I walked outside to see August sitting inside of a new truck. He never told me he was getting a new vehicle. He looked over at me with a huge smile plastered on his face. He hopped out of the truck and came over to me and lifted me off of my feet. "I missed you so much. I missed everyone so much." I wept into his chest. "We all missed you too. Let's get you home." He replied.

We pulled up into the driveway of a huge house. "Who are we visiting?" I asked, completely clueless. "This the new house. We been in it for about five years nah'." He spoke like it was nothing. "You didn't tell me you moved?" My smile faded into a frown. What else could he not be telling me? I was scared to know. Walking up the pathway, my heart pounded. I have three kids and I'm sure the twins don't know who I am and it's questionable with Lyric. I'm terrified to see them. They're probably ashamed to have a prison mom. Walking in the house, the decor was great. It wasn't anything I was used to, but it was still great. "You did this?" I questioned August. "Nah, somebody else did it." He replied dryly.

The voices of two boys were heard through the house. My heart skipped a few beats and I had to calm my breathing. "Wanna see em?" August asked. I hesitated for a minute, but I had to do this. I quickly nodded. "SuLu Gang!" He shouted, calling them the collective name he gave them as babies. I could only laugh because he knew I hated the name. They both jet down the stairs and my heart stopped just looking at them. They were complete replicas of August, it amazed me. They only had my eyes. I wanted to attack them in hugs and kisses, but I couldn't do that. August led us all to the kitchen to sit down at the small table in there.

"Where ya' sista at?" August asked, as we all sat down. I damn near cried, thinking of Lyric. My first born is thirteen now. She probably secretly has a boyfriend and everything. I only wish I could have been here to experience all of their growth, but I messed up big time. "She's in her room." Amsalu replied. I could always tell them apart by their body markings. Amsalu has freckles around his nose and under his eyes, but Admasu's freckles are barely noticeable. "I'a talk ta her in a minute." He groaned, obviously annoyed.

"Y'all remember the lady who I'm always showing y'all pictures of?" August begun. They nodded slowly while keeping their eyes locked on mine. "This is Missy, y'all mama. I know she ain't been around, but it wasn't ha' choice. We both made some bad decisions in our past, to keep y'all protected. She was just the one who was penalized fa' it. I want y'all ta' respect ha' and grow to luh' ha' just the way you luh' me." I was in tears by now. I know I looked a fool, but it was so hard. Hearing your husband give your kids a speech about 'growing to love you'. He wiped my tears and helped me up. The twins came to give me hugs and they led me upstairs. 

August came to a halt in front of one particular room and knocked. "Open this do'!" He shouted. The door swung open and I knew it was Lyric and I'm sure she knew it was me. I'm pretty sure my face was cracking in half with this wide ole' smile. She came to me and hugged me. "No intro needed." August chuckled. "Oh my god, my baby." I cried. My thirteen year old daughter was the same height as me and she had breasts. I know August hated that, but she can't help it. I pulled back from the hug to just admire her for a moment. "Lyric Lanae' Alsina is in the motherfucking building." I spoke, rolling my neck. We both broke out into laughter. August let out a sigh of frustration but who cares? Not me. I'm bonding with my baby.

"Let's talk, ma." She yanked me into her room and closed the door on August. After an hour of bonding and eventually drifting off in Lyric's bed, I heard someone shout. "Mama!", which caused my mommy instincts to kick in full effect. I ran out the room, but then I remembered I didn't know where I was going. I just stood at Lyric's door, asking who was calling for me. Admasu walked past me and said "Not you, her." I looked down the hall to see my mother bringing in some groceries.

"Mommy!" I shouted. "There she is!" She screamed and rushed to me, pulling me into a hug. "Ma, you getting old." I laughed. "Girl, bye. I'm fifty-six and fabulous." She did a twirl and ran her hands through her hair. I pulled her into one of those slick hugs when you want to say something on the low, but don't want everybody to know you're whispering. "I'm glad they're calling you mama because I would be serving another sentence if August had another woman playing house with my kids." I said in her ear.

"Honey, I was telling him the same thing. Don't have these kids believing some whore is their mother, knowing good and got damn well that you were away doing time for being the protector of this family." She spoke sternly. I could tell she meant it and that's why I loved her, aside from her being my mother, she's always holding it down for me when I need it. The doorbell rung, interrupting our conversation. At first, I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to answer the door but my family lived here so I was going to get the damn door. I swung the door open and a woman was standing there. "Hello." I spoke, holding back some of my attitude. "Hi, I'm here for August." She said in a cheerful tone, then looked behind me. I followed her eyes and seen August looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Whatever y'all had going on, end it. His wife is home from the penitentiary. I murdered the last bitch who felt like it was okay to get in between this family." I said before slamming the door.

"We'll talk later. Now, show me around this big house." I smiled. "Uh, okay. We can start from the basement all the way up." He spoke, while guiding me down some stairs. It's time to get this family back in order, one step at a time.


Y'all I was crying writing this. Especially when she was talking to the twins. I'm so sad to say bye to Missy and August. They've really been through a journey and a half. Remember when we first started and August was still 17 and Missy was 20 and they were in the hotel. Remember those monthly trips back and forth to NOLA. Remember when they beat each other's ass on the front lawn!!!! HOE MY GAWD!

I was talking some much shit about how I was ready for this to be over and done with, but now that it's come to end it, I'm ready to shed tears. This has been real and it's time to move on to better things!

We need theme music....
*starts singing*

Although we come to the end of the road! Still I can't let go! It's unnatural.. you belong to me, I belong to youuuuuuuuuu! Come to the end of the road still I can't let goooooooooo!

Thanks for reading, guys.

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