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Jourdan (Missy) is everywhere up there. She's so gorgeous and golden. I wanted to put up this gif of her, but I HAD to show y'all the bump.

Missy- 22 weeks into pregnancy/ 5 and a half months

Our trip was very beautiful, but it was also sabotaged by my early pregnancy symptoms. As soon as August and I got in the room the night of our wedding, it was over. I ran straight to the bathroom, throwing up everything I'd eaten. Of course he was supportive, but I just wish that we could have done so much more. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be pregnant but the symptoms are a true buzz kill.

Once we got back to Atlanta, we told my mother about moving her here. At first, she was very hesitant but she came to a certain realization. There's no reason for her to be in New Orleans anymore, especially since her and her boyfriend had broken up. She moved in a couple blocks away in a beautiful home that August paid for.

As for me, all of my belongings were in August's house. Before we left for Paris, we agreed that I would move in. We left some of Lyric's things without her knowing, so she wouldn't realize a slather of toys were missing. She had some many, I'm pretty sure she didn't realize they were gone.

Well, except for one particular toy.


"Mommy!" Lyric squealed running into August and I's bedroom and climbing on the bed.

"My DJ toy." she frowned. "Ask your father where it is."

He shot me a death glare. I shrugged and watched as Lyric turned her attention to August who was sipping on some coffee. Lyric didn't know we were naked under these covers. She just ran in unexpectedly so all we could do is put the blanket over our bodies.

"Daddy. Dj toy?" he shrugged. "I'on know where it ca' be. I think ya' mama threw it away." I gasped. "August!" He wasn't supposed to tell on me!

Lyric started to have a fit. She started slinging the toy that she had in her hand around. "Lyric, man. Calm down wit' alla that." August spoke.

"You threw away my toy!" she screamed. I sat on the side laughing since he thought snitching would make it easier on him. "I'ma end up tapping ya' ass na'. Sit down!" I rolled my eyes at the empty threat he'd just made.

"No!" Lyric shouted as she hit his cup with the toy. All of that hot coffee fell into his lap. I can only assume the blanket couldn't protect his man parts from the heat of the coffee by the way he jumped up in all his naked glory.

"Fuck! Lyric, I'ma whoop yo' la' ass." he shouted, jumping around like a fool with his meat slinging everywhere. By now, I was in full on tears. So much for pushing blame on Missy. "Shut'cho ass up!" he yelled to me.

"Na na na na boo boo!" Lyric shouted and ran out of the room.


I sat in bed, chuckling to myself as August kept his hand over my huge belly. I was currently in my second trimester, looking as if I was going to explode. I was too big, but I wasn't that far along. August loved it though, he said the bigger the bump then more space for him to rub.

We had a doctor's appointment to find out the sex of the baby. We were already dressed and prepared to go. We were just waiting on Lyric. My mother came over to help us get her dressed since she was coming to the appointment anyway.

Once we got in the room, we were greeted by my doctor. He asked about stress and all the important things he needed to know. I told him everything was fine, which it was.

"But doc, don't you think I'm growing at a rapid pace? I'm only five and a half months." I asked.

"Well Missy, some people grow differently or there just may be another bun in the oven." I sighed. I knew he would say that. Everybody has been saying twins, which I believed. I didn't grow this fast with Lyric, so I don't just grow fast.

"Let's get started, shall we?" I nodded and laid back on the examination table. He placed the ultrasound jelly on, which was actually warm today. I let out a sigh of relief at that. "We've got new warmers for the jelly." he said, reading my mind.

The sounds of the heartbeat played throughout the room causing everybody to become more alert for some reason. "What's that noise?" Lyric questioned. "That's ya' sibling's heart." August answered.

"Ouu, Missy got them babies." My mom said out loud. I laughed at her foolishness. Not really understanding the full meaning of what she's just said until I looked at the screen.

Two babies.

"Two babies!" I shouted. I turned around to see August doing some ugly ass dance. You know he's ghetto because he did a clap before he transitioned to another part of the dance.

"Sit down!" I snapped. He did as told with no questions asked. "Sorry, masa'." he said in a slave voice.

"Mommy got two baby?" Lyric questioned with her eyes lit bright. "Yes mommy will have two babies." I responded.

"Y'all know I'm here to help, especially now that I live close." My mom offered. "Thank you so much, ma. I'm more than glad you're here. So is Lyric." Lyric sat on my mom's lap, nodding her head.

I've got my work cut out for me.

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