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"Speak, before another contraction hits." Missy demanded, as she lay in the hospital bed. We were currently waiting to see if the doctor could do anything to make sure she delivered on her due date, which was in November, it was only early October, but there was nothing that could be done, unfortunately. The boys were developed enough to survive, but she just wanted them to be the healthiest.

She was currently in her dilating phase, which was moving way faster than what it did the first time around. The doctor says that it takes much longer to dilate completely the first time a mother gives birth. I learn something new everyday. I also learned that Missy "owes me an ass whooping once we get out of here." So she says.

We'd been in here for four whole hours and she's now five centimeters dilated.

"I swear I wasn't fuckin ha'. I went ova' there ta' fake like I was tryna get down wit' ha, so I could get ta' the bottom of the shit she been doing. Next thing you know, I'm slipping in out of consciousness." I spoke. Missy was listening, until a strong contraction hit, so I put a pause on the story to comfort her.

"Ugh, fuck. Anyways, continue." she demanded.

"Back ta' what I was saying, I woke up and she was dressed in some Vickie Secrets, tryna grind on me like she was Pretty Ricky, I pissed on her though, so she ca' get off me." By now, Missy's mouth had hung open. Surprisingly, a fly didn't find its new home in there.

"You peed on her, August?" She asked in utter disbelief, causing me to nod my head. "Yeah, but she jus knocked my ass out again with an alarm clock." I informed Missy.

"Then she woke me up, talking straight crazy. She let me roam free around the house, right befo' y'all came. She tol' me she'a kill me if I tried ta' escape, she had a gun and all. She also told me that we was having a baybeh togetha', but I ain't been touching that girl, eva' since I left ha' alone, 'bout two years ago. I know I didn't do nothing wit' ha though. Even if she had raped me last night, which hopefully she didn't, she wouldn't have had no already positive pregnancy test." I explained. Missy really didn't say anything, she just looked pissed.

After a while of uncomfortable silence, Missy finally spoke. "You know, I'm really sorry, that you had to go through that. If I would've known what was going on, I wouldn't be in the hospital, I would be in prison. Matter fact, I probably would still be in here, but handcuffed to the bed. I would've been worrying to much, but I would've blasted her with my broken water." She ranted, causing me to laugh, which caused a domino effect, as she laughed.

There was a small knock on the door, followed by Lyric's loud voice. "Mommy, daddy. It's me! Open up!" Lyric shouted through the door. I went to open the door, revealing Mama T holding Lyric, who was holding her favorite teddy bear. It was a medium-sized, all white bear, that wore a two-toned, red dress with a matching beret and a red velvet heart in its hands, that diagonally read "Lyric's Love" in cursive. I'd bought the thing for her on Valentine's Day and she's never let it go.

"Mommy have her babies, now?" Lyric asked, as Mama T strolled in with Lyric on her hip. "Not yet, mama. We gotta be quiet though, we inna' hospital." I explained and she nodded in understanding.

"Hey, baby." Missy weakly smiled. "Let me down, mom-mom." Lyric instructed. Once she gained her freedom, she ran to her mom's bedside. "Hey, mommy. You okay?" Missy smiled bright and nodded.

"I'm just fine, baby. How you feeling?" Missy asked, while lightly poking Lyric's chest. "I'm happy. I wanna see the babies." Lyric beamed.

"You'll see them, very soon."


"One last push." The doctor shouted, as Missy breathed heavily. She screamed out in pain as she gave a long, hard push. "That's it! You did it. You pushed out two baby boys. Both weighing in at 2 and a half pounds and 16 inches long." The doctor announced, causing a cheesy grin to spread across my face.

"You did it, mama." I spoke, as I leaned in to kiss her forehead with one of the boys in my arms. "We did it, baby." She weakly smiled, as the nurse handed the other baby to Missy.

Since we hadn't expected her to deliver, we didn't have time to think of any names for them. I thought of nothing, while she thought of names that came from Ethiopia (Only cause I'm Eritrean/Ethiopian bih). I would be able to pick their middle names though.

Amsalu (Ah-m-sah-loo) Alexander Alsina and Admassu (Ah-d-mah-soo) Alexavier Alsina. Amsalu, meaning his image and Admassu, meaning his horizon.

After spending some time with the babies and teaching them how to latch on to Missy's breasts, they were taken back to the NICU for treatment.


I'm sorry, I really didn't know how to end this chapter so I just said fuck it.

Okay so, I named those children that for a reason so don't come at me like "Uh bitch, what is this?" Don't ask me how to say it either cause I broke it down for you.

I'm Eritrean, which is basically Ethiopian. We practice the same everything. Eritrea is just an Italian colony and Ethiopia just doing its own thing. We're still the same got damn thing lmaooo. When you google people from both places, we look the same and do the same things. I'm Americanized though. I was born in Maryland, the DMV, heeey. My dad was born and raised in Eritrea though, he moved to New York, then Maryland and impregnated my mama. One day though, I'm going to Addis Ababa and Asmara, so it's cool. The food is just, ohhhhh my gawd. It's so good and you eat with your hands, no utensils. You use a bread called Injera to pick your food up with. It's deliciouso ! I speak none of the languge, Tigrinya, because it's hard and it's not written out with the alphabet so hell nah. That's in the MM though.

And that kids, is the lesson of the day!

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