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Mama loves you, so I will grace you guys with the image of my face. okaaay

Missy - 24 weeks- 6 months into pregnancy

"When do you think you could make it here?" I asked over the phone.

"I'll be here around Saturday." she replied. "I think you should arrive to the house on Sunday for our family day and dinner." I suggested.

"Well, do y'all go ta' church. You gotta young baby inna' house with y'all, I'm hoping y'all go sometimes." I sighed at her religious push. "I'm not very religious. I won't push religion on my child because it's right in everyone else's eyes. She'll believe in whatever she wants when she gets older." I explained.

"She?" she asked, sounding surprised. "Yes, she. She's a girl, her name is Lyric and she's two." I said. "I can't wait to get there." she said, right before she hung up... in my face.

I put my phone down and went upstairs to check on Lyric who was sleep in August and I's bed. August was gone at the studio for a few hours. I had to basically force him out of the house since he was so bent on staying in the house with me the whole 9 months. Even though we have a whole 3 months left, he insisted that he'd stay with me every second of my pregnancy.

Just like when I was pregnant with Lyric, he would come into the bathroom while I pee to make sure I was okay. It's very invading, but how can I say no to him trying to look out for me when there's women that have men in their life who won't even claim the child, so I was grateful.

August would be home in a few minutes, and I had nothing to do while I waited. It was going on 10 'clock at night and I was completely lost. I wanted to do something that had meaning to it, but I didn't want to invade. At the same time, I'm his wife and I have the right to his family business. His family is my family now, especially since we have a child and two on the way so I decided to call his mother in town.

I didn't want him upset with me, but I wanted my children to have their grandparents in their life. My father was killed in prison and August's father died from an overdose so they've already missed out on two grandfathers and I didn't want them missing out on their grandmothers as well. I was granted the opportunity since her and my mom had been friends at one point, but fell off eventually.

I also wanted August to have his mother and stop dwelling on the past since I know it hurts that I have my mom when he and his mother won't even speak. When she gets here, I want them to talk to each other and eventually forgive each other.

-Skips to Sunday 'cause I'ma bad bitch and I can do that-

I slowly went down the stairs, since I couldn't run, when August's mother called and said she was outside. Instead of me being able to greet her, August was already at the door. He looked back at me with a scowl and slammed the door in his mother's face.

"August!" I shouted and went to open the door. I would've ran, but I couldn't quite do that. He looked down at me with the same scowl in silence as I opened the door.

I opened the door to see his mother in tears. She wiped her tears and tried to walk away, but I hurriedly grabbed her arm to stop her. "Please stay. I'm sorry, but y'all have to work this out." I whispered.

I led her into the house and showed her to the sofa while I went to call August. I was entirely too tired, so I went to the bottom of the stairs and called for him. Of course he gave me attitude, but he eventually came down but he didn't forget to mumble some slick shit under his breath as he walked by.

"Sit your ass down and talk." I demanded. He mugged me, but I bet he sat that ass down.

"Hello August." his mother spoke first. Being the jackass that he is, he sent her a simple nod and a dry 'wassup'. I popped the back of his neck causing him to sit up straight from his slouched position and act right. He blew out of a breath of frustration, but I was frustrated as well.

"Look August, I'm sorry about what happened but I can't change it. I don't need you mad at me. I have other things I'm dealing with in my life." she spoke in the most insincere tone I've heard thus far.

"Well do that shit then. Fuck outta' here." he stood up, but I pulled him back down before he could walk off. "Sit." I spoke through clenched teeth. He rolled his eyes and got comfortable on the sofa.

"Look, Miss..." I dragged out. "Sheila." she answered.

"I don't know how you just switched up like that, but you're being a very cold woman towards your own son. It's like you don't even wanna deal with him. Almost like he's an option. I know I wasn't there when you put him out, b-".

"You was." August cut me off. "Well I guess you could say I was, but I just want you two to patch things up. Not for me or my selfish needs, but you have a granddaughter up there and two grandsons on the way. They will only know one grandparent if you two don't get it together. It may not be easy, but please, try."

They both nodded and simply nodded their heads. "I'll try." she spoke.

"It's whateva'." August spoke.

Hopefully, this works out well...


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