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I woke up this morning to complete chaos. Missy yelling, Lyric screaming, the twins crying. Ever since the twins had come home, the house is somewhere I don't want to be. Missy's always in a bad mood. Her insecurities are in full effect. While, Lyric is rebelling against us because the twins are getting our attention. The boys were actually the most calm out of the 5 of us.

Damn, it's five of us.

I took a quick shower. I didn't even want to stay in since I couldn't find peace in there. Once I was done, I jogged downstairs to see Missy running around the kitchen, trying to make breakfast, keep the twins calm, and discipline Lyric for throwing a bowl of cereal on the floor, while Lyric screamed. Too damn much, especially for one person.

It hurt me to even think of it, but I knew I had to step in. Lyric needed her ass beat. I grabbed her up by her and tapped her legs. "Daddy!" Lyric's loud cries rang throughout the house and damn near burst my ear drums.

"Lyric, calm ya' ass down. Sit down over there and don't move!" I shouted, as I pointed into the living room. She began to stomp into the living room. "I'ma pop ya' la' ass again! End that attitude!" She straightened up her walk and sat down on the floor in front of the TV. I shook my head, as she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.

"That's all she needed. I couldn't give it to her right now, but it was coming." Missy spoke, as I walked into the kitchen. "Lemme handle the food, while you handle the twins." She left the stove to tend to the twins. I know it was hard to try to feed two babies at once when you're breastfeeding, just by watching Missy. Eventually, she fed Ammy out of a bottle that she pumped earlier and let Addy latch onto her.

"Somebody called my phone, looking for you."

"Oh, really. Who?" I questioned. Who could be calling her phone, looking for me? I hope this doesn't start another argument.

"Deez nuts." She began to cackle, very loud. It was honestly, not funny and her laugh was starting to annoy me. She always has an attitude, but wants to play when I don't want to. We just weren't agreeing at the moment.

I let out a frustrated sigh, and her laughter ended. "August, what's going on with you?" I heard the tears and hurt in her voice. "Nothing. Nothing at all." I replied in a bland tone, while I continued to cook.

I heard her footsteps. They eventually disappeared up the stairs. I didn't even want to watch her walk away with her face filled with tears. Now, she understands what it feels like when she has random attitudes when all I try to do is love her, but her attitude has prevented me to do so.

"Daddy, you made my mommy cry!" Lyric shouted, clearly upset. "I know. I'm sorry, baybeh. I'a go make it right." I told her, trying to sound as sincere as possible.


"You know I was the one who sent you that gift, right?" He asked through the phone. I was currently on the phone with a friend of mine.

"I kinda suspected it. Then, I thought you were a creep. Were you there at her birthday too?"

"Of course, I didn't want your husband seeing me though. I tried to be as discreet as possible, but I wanted to see Lyric. I remember when she was still in the womb. She had you so emotional." He reminisced, causing me to laugh. "You cussed me out every chance you could get. Then, cried about it later."

"I'm sorry about that. You know I had twin boys, right?"

"Yeah, I seen them at the party too." He sighed into the phone. "I wanted to keep our friendship going, Missy. I planned on having a child, so Lyric could have a friend. You hurt me when you cut me off for him."

"I'm sorry. I always think of you and what could have been, but this is my life now. I'm glad I got my boys and Lyric out of all this. I never cut you off, intentionally. I was just so caught up with rekindling the flame with August, then getting everything ready for Lyric's arrival. It was crazy." I explained.

"That's fine. I gotta go though. Don't only call me when your little husband hurts your feelings, either. Call me more often. Alright?"

I smiled at what he was saying. "Alright. Talk to you later."

"Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I replied, before hanging up.

"So you love otha' niggas now? You onna' phone blushing and shit. Who the fuck was that?" August bust into the room, interrogating me.

Like he cared.

"Somebody who cares to talk to me. Unlike my shitty ass husband." I spat out.

"You think I'on give a fuck 'boutchu? You wanna be with that nigga? You still ain't tell me who the fuck that is!" He shouted. Luckily, the twins were in their nursery.

"Shut the fuck up, okay! You don't give a shit about me. You been acting real shitty towards me, so yeah nigga. I found somebody else that spiked my fucking interest." I lied, wanting him to hurt. "I never fucking cheated on you, though." He said, obviously hurt by what I said.

"Stop fucking lying, August. I seen your damn phone. You got hoes all through your shit. The only females that call you daddy live in this house. So who the fuck is Briana? I seen what she been texting you, and I seen your replies."

"Ya' know what?" He said, looking off into space. Making sure to avoid looking at me. "What, August? What do you have to say now?"

"Yeah, I been fucking Briana. 'Cause she ain't always bitching like you are!" My lip began to quiver, but I quickly tucked it in before he could see me.

I remained silent. I didn't know what to say to that. He'd cheated on me.

What he doesn't realize is, he caught me talking to a friend. A true fried. Jared and I have never been anything more than friends. August really cheated on me though.

"Fuck you!" I shouted, throwing whatever was in my reach at him, which was the lamp on my nightstand. "Get out!" I shouted.

"This my shit. The fuck? You betta' calm all'a that shit down!"

"You right. This is your shit! I'll fucking leave, then." I said, as I stood to get up. I went to grab a suitcase, but was snatched back by August. "Let me go!" I shouted, as I tried to squirm out of his grasp.

"You not fucking leaving! Sit down." He commanded.

I swung my elbow back and hit him in his nose. He let me go, so he could tend to his bleeding nose.

"Fuck you, fuck this house, fuck this marriage, and fuck your nose! You wonder why I'm insecure. It's because of dumb shit like this." I ranted, as I picked up my suitcase. "You so fucking stupid. I'm done being faithful to your trifling ass!"

"Jus' stay. Talk ta' me, Missy." He said, in a much softer tone than before, but I didn't give a fuck. I swung at his head with my suitcase.

"Talk to that, bitch!" I shouted, shoving random clothes into the bag. "I'm so glad my mom moved here. I'm sick of your shit." I said, as I slid off my ring. "Fuck you, August." I concluded, before grabbing my keys and walking out.

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