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Missy { 2 Days Later}

"So, you don't remember my friend and I popping up at your house? You don't remember saying that you were seventeen and poor? August was tricking off on you, right? You don't remember that?"

Today, August and I agreed to be cordial for a day and interrogate little miss Brianna. We were in the house that August and I shared with Brianna. While she sat on the couch, we sat on the love seat across from her. I was becoming irritated with her now. She was acting like what happened, never happened. She acted like she's never seen me or heard of any of this in her life.

She rapidly shook her head no in response. She was nervous. "You know, I could really smack ya fucking head off right now? I hate liars. You know you met me and my friend before. So why act brand new?" I stared into her eyes intensely. 

"Jus tell the truth, Brianna. What the fuck you say I do ta' you and fa' you?" August spoke up. She looked as if she wanted to cry. "I said you were buying me stuff and in return, I would do sexual favors." Her voice trembled.

"Is that true, August?" I turned to him. I knew by now, with all the proof he'd shown me, that this was not true. I was just messing with her head. He lifted his shoulders and turned his lips into a frown type expression while slightly shaking his head. "Nah."

All I needed was that small word: "Nah" to pounce on her little ass. She tried to scoot back on the sofa, but the back of the sofa prevented her from moving far. Dumb ass girl.

After a few punches were thrown, August pulled me off of her. "That's enough, Missy. Look at ha' scary ass." I turned to see Brianna bleeding from her nose and mouth. She was stuck in the fetal position. She was crying hard as hell.

"I got something for this bitch. Susie number fucking two. Aug light the bins. I'm boutta get the fireplace poker."

For anyone who doesn't know what a fireplace poker is, it's the same thing she beat Susie with in Risky Business. It's that sharp tool for the fireplace. It's like a long pole, but the end of it is really pointy and sharp. 

"Ya' going crazy, again?" He chuckled. "You know how I am about my family, August. This the second bitch to fuck with my family. She gets the same treatment."

He went outside to the backyard to do what he was told while I went to get the fireplace poker. When I got back, her scary ass was missing. She was so dumb. I could hear her whimpering and crying. I went into the hallway where the sounds came from to see her ducking into our bedroom. Why would you not leave the house if you were trying to escape this ass beating?

Not only did you stay in the house, but you went into our bedroom to hide. What the hell is going on with this girl's brain?

I seen one of the long braids she had in, coming from under the bed. I held onto that braid as I grabbed a bunch more of them and dragged her from under the bed. "Bitch, let's go."

"It's lit!" I heard August yell. I couldn't help but laugh at the pun. I pulled her into the kitchen and whacked her with the fire iron nonstop until she lost consciousness. "You know what to do with her." I told August. He dragged her outside just the way he did Susie three years back.

"Missy!" I heard August call from outside. I ran out to see Brianna's body in the bin, August with his hands in a surrender position, and two men on both sides of him with guns to his head. Right before I could say anything, two men came to the sides of me, putting me in the same position as August.

"Don't hurt my baybeh, man." August cried. "Fuck you, nigga. Shut up." One of the men yelled while pushing his gun more into August's temple. What made it so bad is, they had us standing right across from each other. We were just staring each other in the eyes, in fear of what the outcome would be.

I mouthed the words: 'I love you' to August. He slowly put his hand on his heart and repeated them back. He added a 'sorry.' to his though. I just nodded with tears flowing down my face.

Soon after, a loud gun shot rang out and August's lifeless body fell to the ground. I screamed out in pain. The pain that I felt when I seen his body hit the ground was a pain like no other. I felt my heart strings tear. Another gun shot rang out. It was my turn to leave this Earth.


Biiiihhhhh! I cried writing this! I don't cry bitch. Lemme stop lying, I'm always crying about something.

Oh and I'm sorry for my slow ass updates. My little brother literally is on the computer from the time he wakes up until the time he falls asleep. He falls asleep in the computer chair, then wakes up and starts playing this dumb ass Roblox shit again until he falls asleep.

As for Through The Fire, I don't know when I'll update that. I like that story, but I just need time to really figure out what I'm doing with it.

This wasn't really long, but I know y'all needed something from this fairy tale.

Brianna in the MM

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