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August | 1 Week Later

Today was the day that we brought the twins home from NICU. Since they were born two months early, they had to stay in the hospital a little longer. I hated seeing them laid up with tubes running through their little bodies all day, but I'm grateful that they're here.

"Ammy, Ammy, Ammy! Addy, Addy, Addy!" Lyric shouted as she ran beside me. She was a little more excited about the twins coming home than us, and we're the parents. Eventually, they started crying from all the commotion around them.

"Lyric, hush. I think you scared them." Missy whined, as she followed behind me with Addy's car seat in her hand, while I carried Ammy.

"Oh, sowwy." Lyric whined. "It's fine, you just have to be calm around them." Missy said as we both plopped down on the sofa with Lyric following right behind us.

"They small." Lyric spoke as she sat on the floor, in between their car seats. "'Cause they came out early, baybeh. They not like you." I informed her. The confusion was obvious since it was shown all over her face. "Mommy is supposed to carry a baby for nine whole months, but she only carried Ammy and Addy for seven." Missy explained.

It was funny how Lyric was still so confused, but she just shrugged it off.

Missy looked so tired, but she only wanted to stay up for the sake of the twins' arrival.

"It's fine if you go ta' bed. I got 'em. All three of our kids." I spoke, saying the last part more to myself. The whole situation was so crazy. In three years, we managed to push out three kids.

"I'm fine. I'm tired, but I'm not sleepy." I nodded, understanding what she was saying. "I just need to sit down for a minute."

As soon as she shut her eyes, completely going against what she had just said, Ammy started to cry, causing Addy to cry from the noise.

"They're probably hungry." Missy assumed as she picked up Addy and I picked up Ammy. I watched her breastfeed Addy, as I rocked Ammy to get him to stop crying until it was his turn. Call me childish, but these kids were hogging my titties.

"You gon' let me taste it?" I asked, breaking the silence, other than Ammy's small whines. "What?" She asked, but never broke her gaze from Addy. "Ya' milk."

"August, ew. No." She chuckled. "Why?" I whined. "For one, it's weird. Two, that's nasty and it's weird."

I sat back and let the whole situation go. "Look at them boys," I spoke out of random. "Su, and Lu." I said, referring to the twins. "SuLu gang. LuSu not with that fufu." I looked over to see Missy cutting her eyes at me. "What, nigga?" I jumped at her.

"You're just random, and you're dumb." She spoke with an eye roll. I just shook my head and went back to rocking Amsalu. Ever since she's had the twins, it seems like she lost her sense of humor. It's some moments where she'll be cool, then she's back to the attitude.

"Lyric, you ready for your birthday in a few days?" Missy asked with a big smile plastered across her face. Lyric nodded wildly with all her hair bouncing around her head.

"Ye'en doin' nothin anyways." I stated, trying to be as serious as possible. "Ye'en havin no party, or no gifts." Lyric's face softened and her lip began to quiver. "Shh, I'm jus playing." I told her to calm her down before she even started acting crazy.


Missy | Lyric's Birthday Party

"You have to wear your pretty birthday outfit, babe." I told to Lyric as she was having her diva moment. I guess she wanted to be diva of the day, since it was her third birthday. She had her arms folded across her chest with a frown on her face.

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