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Basically, my whole family left and I'm in the house with my little sister who is sleep and it's hot asf so I'm not tryna move too much so that's why I'm updating so much. Simply, to entertain myself and do y'all want me to tell y'all anymore stories... if so, then comment some stories that you wanna hear about. I Shall Do. Thou shalt not hold back. Oh and you can also ask me any questions you'd like. Maybe my next update should be answering questions and telling stories. Yay or Nay? Tell me! Be honest.


After our shopping spree, everyone returned the house. I was feeling every bit of this pregnancy and it was kicking my ass. I was feeling everything with this one. I knew I was pregnant weeks ago, I just didn't feel like it was the time to bring it up.

I took a slight nap, but when I woke up, August was in the middle of the bedroom floor packing both of our bags. I let out a somewhat loud yawn and stretched myself out.

"You finally up, mama." I sleepily responded with a simple 'yes'. "Good 'cause I'm done with our bags and ya' mama been done with hers and Lyric's. It's 10:25 na' so we gotta go." I nodded and got myself together.

I washed my mouth out with some Listerine just so my breath wouldn't stink and slipped on some leggings and a nice t-shirt with some sandals so I wouldn't look too raggedy. The T-shirt made it look like I was bloated, but it was okay.

When I walked out the bathroom, August wasn't in there so I was assuming he was packing up the truck. I walked outside to see my mom putting Lyric in her seat while August was putting everything away, like I thought.

I climbed in the passenger, then my mother and Aug got in their rightful seats. August pulled off and I instantly became tired. It was dark, quiet and his truck rode smooth. Three great factors for perfect car slumber.

"Wake up, Missy. You drooling in my shit." I felt August shake me. "What?" I whined. "You know what. Let's get in here so we ca' go." I hopped out and helped August with the bags as my mom carried Lyric. We found a little spot where you can park your car and fly, but the lot was gated off so it was completely safe.

Once we made it in, we went through security and boarded our flight. I sat in a window seat and reclined the chair. I pulled out my blanket ready to catch some Z's when Lyric climbed in the seat with me. "Mommy, I want sleep we'you." she requested causing me to laugh at her way of saying 'with you'.

I laid her on my chest and drifted off into sleep.

I was awaken by my stomach being in knots. The bathroom looked like it was a good distance and Lyric laying on me was going to make this whole situation harder than what it is.

"August, get her please." I begged as I shook him out of his sleep. He slowly grabbed her from my lap. I had to squeeze through and run to the bathroom before I threw up on the floor in front of everyone.

"Damn Missy, you fucked up." I heard August behind me as I was lunged over the toilet vomiting like no tomorrow. "Of course, dumb ass." I snapped.

He held his hands up in a surrender. "Hey na', It ain't my fault you all jacked up." he said with a laugh. I didn't find it funny, any of it.

I shot him a quick glare and he caught it. "I'm sorry, baybeh. You know I luh you." he said making my heart smile. "I love you too, babe." I replied.

"Here go ya' la' friend." he pulled the emergency traveler bottle of Listerine from his pocket and handed it to me. I gargled it and kept it moving back to our seats.

When we got back, Lyric was sleeping my mom. Lyric always liked sleeping with us, but she just recently started sleeping in her own bed. August basically forced her to since he always wanted to have sex at random times. Even though we weren't staying together, when we would spend nights together, he made it very clear that there was no more Lyric allowed in the room when it was bedtime. She put up a fight at first, but now it's whatever for her.

Speaking of sleep, that's exactly what I did. I went straight back to sleep. When I woke up, I was in a Presidential Suite laying next to August.

It was obviously morning meaning I slept through everything. From the flight, to the drive all the way to hotel down to check-in and being carried to the room. Pregnancy literally was knocking me out.

I got up to vomit, as always. This was nothing new to me at all.

"Missy, you good?" I heard August mumble as I emptied my stomach out. "Yeah." I found someway to get my answer out. I brushed my teeth and went back to the bed with August.

"I can't wait 'til he get here." I looked up at him. "He?" I questioned.

"Yeah, nigga. He." I let out a slight giggle.

"It's gonna be a girl." I told him. "But I don't know, honestly. This pregnancy is way worse than the last one." I told him. "My hormones are flipping stronger. The nausea is twice as bad as the first time and so is the fatigue." I sighed, completely tired out by this pregnancy. I was ready to have this baby already, but we still have 7 and a half months left (If I'm not mistaken).

"I think it's twins this time." I confessed. His eyes got big as hell. "Why you think that?" he asked. "I basically just fucking told you. Listen next time." I snapped.

"I just thought it was mo' to it. You right though, I need ta' listen ta' ya' when ya' speaking ta' me." he said, bringing a huge smile to my face. "I love you so much." he grinned.

"I luh you too gawgeous."


Let me tell y'all how I messed up part of my last chapter. I was rushing to get myself through it that I forgot a whole part of the chapter. I knew it was shorter than what it post to be, ooooh that's how it's post to be. But seriously, I'm gonna add it in the story later. When they get back to Atlanta.

This would've been done so long ago if I hadn't had to wash dishes and then I got some food so I had no choice but to eat. Gawd you knew.

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