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"Yung, my boy. Wassup man!" D shout into the phone.

Earlier today, I received a text from D telling me to call him whenever I was ready. He said he had something to tell me and I wanted to know what was up.

"Wus' going on witcha' man? You taking it easy?" I chuckled at the inside joke we had made up about him popping his back out of place while getting it in with his ole' girl.

"Ah, shut up nigga. Anyways, I got something you might wanna hear young nigga." Ah shit.

"Go 'head nigga. Stop tryna' make me sweat." I don't know what he would have to tell me right now, but he says it's important.

"Well, today we got an anonymous call in today. Some female was on the line talking about your relationship with Missy isn't what it seems. She talking 'bout everybody adores y'all, but all y'all bullshit gon' come to the light. I don't know Yung, but you better watch out."

"Hol' up, hol' up. So this random breezy called and said all this without no name, caller ID or nothing? Y'all can't track that call or something, man?" I needed to know. I already have a feeling on who it could be, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions just yet. Simply because there's been multiple hate comments against us.

For example, someone said something about Lyric's hair not being done. Someone said Missy and I both go in clubs hoing around with other people. The biggest lie spread was that Lyric would be left home alone. Now I know there's some neglectful people in this world, but why would we leave our two year old home when we have a baby sitter, which Missy came up with in high school days.

"Man, I wish. We just don't have that type of authority or equipment." I dragged my hand down my face. This whole situation was stressful. Now with Lisa around talking crazy, you never know what to expect.

"A'ight man. I feel ya'. Take it easy, D." I hung up hearing small footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Lyric walking up to me half asleep. I picked her up and rocked her a little bit so she would have time to either, fully wake up or go back to sleep.

After sitting down with some cereal and Lyric still on my shoulder, Missy appeared from around the wall that separated the stairs from the kitchen. "Morning, gawgeous." she blushed hard as hell while slowly walking towards me. "Good morning, my handsome."

"Is she sleep or what, August?" I shrugged my free shoulder. She went around to see if Lyric was sleep or not. "She's not sleep. She's staring off into space with her two fingers in her mouth."

Lyric still didn't move much, so I'm assuming she's still half asleep. "What I tell you 'bout them finga's?" I felt her drop her hand down on to my back as she let out a quiet huff.

"You wanna get popped, Lyric?" Missy challenged, but I felt Lyric shake her head quickly.

"Stop popping my baybeh." she rolled her eyes. "I only pop her when she has an attitude." I nodded.

"So, lemme' talk to ya' fa' a minute. Let's take a seat at the consultation couch." she giggled at my name for the sofa. Lyric finally moved down and sat in my lap.

"So, I just got off the phone with D, you know my old manager,right?" she nodded. "He told me somebody called in anonymous today basically saying that they were gonna expose us for who we really are. They didn't get into detail though." she shook her head.

"What do these people have against us? We don't do anything wrong do we? I mean we don't really argue like that especially in public, we take care of Lyric, we're pretty secretive. I don't see how anyone could have a reason to go after us." she whined.

"Whoa, whoa." I stopped her whining. "Fa' one, you know better than that whining. Fa' two, stop stressing 'bout it 'cause like you said, they'on got no reason ta' go afta' us. They just tryna' add drama into our little family, but it ain't happening. So don't do that." she nodded. "Sorry, daddy."

Lyric's jealous behind popped up as quick as those words left Missy's mouth.

"Hey!" she yelled, "He's my daddy only. Not yours!" Missy bust into a fit of laughter since she knew it would happen. Anybody who knew our family, knew how jealous Lyric is. Sometimes, she makes Missy get off my lap so she can sit there.

"It's no funny." she pouted with her arms folded. "No, Lyric. Unfold them arms." she did as told. "I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't trying to take your daddy away from you."

"I been ha' daddy befo' I was yo' daddy, Lyric." she didn't get the joke so she just sat there looking angry as usual when somebody "stole her daddy" as she would say.

Once our laughter died down, I heard my phone go off. I looked to see it was a text from Lisa. She sent me nothing but different emojis, like the heart eyes, the tongue, the eyes, the little raindrops, the eggplant and the cat with a crying laughing face. I didn't even respond to her message.

That little hoe is up to something.

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