Chapter 60

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I let out a sigh of relief. He didn't shot anyone. "Thomas." Chuck whispered causing me to turn around to see. Chuck fall over Thomas catching him. I immediately ran over to see. Chuck had been shot. In the stomach blood pouring out. "No, no Chuck please." Thomas said crying. I was crying my eyes out also. "Chuck don't come on you'll be fine." I said holding into his wound not caring about all the blood on my hands and arms. But I knew it was no good. He held up a little figure handing it too Thomas. "No Chuck your gonna give it to them yourself." Thomas said. I didn't know what it was or what it means. But I knew it was important. He seemed to turn to me. "Please." I chocked out barley audible. Then the light from his eyes was gone. And I knew so was he. "Come on Chuck." Thomas yelled shaking him. I just held his wound still feeling numb and like I was the one that died. Soon a new door opened and people in gear and had guns came in and made us all get out yelling. But I couldn't move. Neither did Thomas. So two people came in and lifted us up. Thomas yelled and tried to get loose but I didn't even struggle. I was too numb. I just let the man carry me into the blinding sunlight. I couldn't see anything els. All I know it that we are going to a helicopter. I should be scared who knows what these people are doing. Why aren't we fighting. I dont know. I was too numb. I was too scared, from everything that happened and is gonna happen. I was set next to Newt. All of the rest of us sitting in the back. I felt newt hold my hand and say something. But I don't hold it back. I couldn't feel anything. It felt like it was a dream but a nightmare. We flew up and I looked out the window. To see the maze. To see what I lived in for 3 months. All that just there. It was all way too much. So I leaned on Newt or someone and closed my eyes.

Oh wow. Only one more chapter to go. 🎅🏿

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