Chapter 56

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My some what instincts instantly kicked in. And I started giving orders. "Teresa get the serum." I said. "On it." She replied walking away. "Newt Gally Minho help me get him into the slammer so he doesn't hurt anyone. Newt came over right away but Gally didn't. "Come on!" I yelled. He finally came over and we put him into the slammer. I was the only one with him inside. Soon Teresa came and Gally left looking different. Not mad but sad and almost inflicted. Teresa came in handed me the serum soon Chuck and another boy came over too. I lifted it up and plunged it into his chest. It made me feel sick. Stabbing him. But I knew it was helping him. We sat around waiting for him for a good hour or so. But now it was light out. I heard a groan and saw Thomas move I had his head in my lap. We all perked up. Once he was fully awake and okay I let out a sigh of relief. "What the hell." I yelled making everyone jump. "I had to remember. I do." He said looking down. "Well." Newt said. "We did this to them Teresa." He said. "What?" She asked. I was very confused. "We put them into this we helped come up with this. I Denver putting my own sister down into the glade. The feeling I remember your face right before you had your memory taken away. The way you looked at me." He went quiet. So he did it. But who and why would they put them into the maze if they helped. "It doesn't matter none of it. Because the people we where before the maze aren't here anymore. So pick your ass up we are getting out." Newt said making us all nod in agreement. But I was still shocked at what Thomas said. He had guilt all over his face. We all got out we had a plan to get us all out of here. We where going to trick Gally to let the grivers coke for us be we will escape fighting. It was good. I watched as People tied up Thomas and Teresa. Then for me. "Wait not Arden I have a deal for you." He said making my heart skip a beat and all eyes on us.

Probably going to update again because I will be busy tomorrow.

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