Chapter 23

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I say with Newt a little longer then we heard a scream. He both jumped up and ran into the glade. We saw there was a big commotion around the maze wall. We both ran over and then I saw someone laying on the ground screaming and kicking and scratching everyone around him. I don't know this boy but I saw Minho and Alby trying to get him to calm down. "Say back," Newt whispered then ran over to help. They all tried to make him stay still but he kept fighting. I wondered why he was doing this. Some more boys joined in and got him and dragged him away. I tried to go after them to look and see what this was but someone grabbed my arm to hold me back. It was Minho. "Don't," he's said. He let go of my arm. "What's going on," I asked. He walked away and I followed him. He kept walking and I got tired "what's going on Minho," I asked stomping my foot. He turned around and sighed. "He got stung," he said. "What," I asked confused. "Why we run from the greviers they sting us. Then we go through the changing its the worst thing ever," he said. "He got stung," I asked trying to sort through all this. "Yes," Minho said looking down. "I watched it happen." I felt bad for him he must have gone through so much. "So what happens now," I asked. "He has to go through the changing," he said still looking down. I wasn't exactly sure what that meant but I wanted to know. I can't help it I'm more curious then others. So I ran away from him towards were they took the boy. "No Arden," Minho yelled running after me. But I made inside the room and it was a big commotion. Then I saw the most scary thing in my life. My eyes went wide.

Sorry this is late again.

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