Chapter 52

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We all sat around for a few hours as Thomas and the girl talked. I sat next to Newt under the look out tower waiting for them to come back down. She seemed to calm down knowing about him. Did they know each other before this happened? Does he know her? Who knows. All I know is I want to know what's going on and what's gonna happen. "So about the note what do you thing it means?" Newt asked trying to break the silence. "I dont know but i dont know if I want to." I said. He nodded in agreement. "You think it could be like she's the last person to come up. Because the box still haven't gone down." He said. That's something I had been considering. "Maybe. But if the box doesn't go down that also means that no more supplies will be sent up so we will eventually die." I said thinking of the worse. "Yes that's always a possibility but something yelled me that's not the biggest problem." He said. I was thinking of what this could all mean. If it's just to sike us out. Or if it's a real problem. I hope it's just some dumb little trick to scare us even more then we already are. Might as well just be in hell. Soon we saw Thomas and the girl come down. The girl looking very scared. We both shot up and right to Thomas. "What's going on?" Newt asked. "Well first this is Teresa she has no memory and doesn't know what the note means." He said. I looked at her to see she was already looking at me. "She also has these two injecting serums to help the sting." He said holding up the tiny tubes filled with a weird blue substance. "Also she has something on her arm." He said looking at her. She hesitantly lifts up her sleeve only to have markings one them. It read "W.I.C.K.D is GOOD"

Two updates because I feel like I need too. Probable gonna right another one.

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