Chapter 11 - edited

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**Picture is of Christian. Played by Michael Clifford.**

        Its 5:45 now. I'm finally able to look into the mirror. I must admit, I actually look like royalty. The dress gives me an elegant and older look, and it looks as if it was made to fit my body perfectly. I love the feel of the lace on my arms and neck. The fitted bodice makes my chest look slim, and more like a girl's chest. My hair looks perfect. The curls come down to my mid back and mostly cover the open back that the dress has, but that's fine with me, it means no one can see the scars. My makeup is beautiful. The girls gave me a black and grey smokey eye, with mascara, which made my lashes look extra long, then pink lipstick with lip gloss to make them shine. My shoes are four inch black heels that have an open toe and a strap around my ankle so they don't fall off. The shoes make me almost average height for a girl, since I'm only five feet tall. I look like a real princess.

        My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Juliet goes to see who it is. It must be someone important because she bows her head to them. Then I see who it is. My father and my grandmother. Uh oh. I think to myself. My maids all bow their heads and leave my room, to give us privacy.

        "Hello daddy, hello grandmother." I say slowly. I am so dead. Then I remember my grandmother can read minds and think of only white noise. She looks at me with a growing smile.

        "Hello, Liviana." She says coming closer to me and giving me a hug. "Happy birthday." She whispers in my ear.

        "Thank you." I reply, then look to my father, who is just standing there, staring at me. "Daddy? Are you okay?" I ask.

        He smiles, "I'm perfect. You just remind me so much of your mother. You look so beautiful." He envelops me in a hug. I return his hug.

        "Thank you." I say softly. We both pull away after a few minutes, and I see tears in my father's eyes. "Don't cry, then you'll make me cry, and Rosie will kill me if she has to redo my makeup."

        That makes him laugh. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. When you have your own kids and you see them all grown up, you'll cry too." He says with a smile.

        I laugh at that. I can't imagine having my own kids, let alone what they'll look like when they grow up.

        "Anyway we came here to give you something for the ball." My father says.

        "Okay, what is it?" I question, a little confused. My dad normally wait until after my birthday party to give me a present. My father reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black box. He hands it to me and I open it quickly. It's a black mask. It looks as if it were cut in many different places to make an intricate line design, with a black ribbon to tie around your head. It looks beautiful. But what do I need a mask for?

        "Your party will be a masquerade ball." My grandmother says. She probably read my mind. "Yes I did." She says with a laugh.

        "Okay, you're starting to scare me with that." I say, which makes her laugh even harder.

        Her laughter is interrupted by a knock in the door. My father goes to answer it and shows a well dresses Ransom. He's wearing an all black tux, I've never seen him in a tux before. He looks fantastic.

        "Well, hello Ransom." My grandmother says sweetly. "Happy birthday to you too." Ransom, my father and I all look at her in shock. How does she know his birthday.

        "Um. T-thank you Miss Rosalinda." He says stuttering a little.

        "I know your birthday because you are close to my granddaughter and I know everything about everyone around her." She says with a smirk. At the mention of granddaughter his eyes move to me, then they get wide when he takes my full body in.

        "Wow. You look beautiful." He says, and I feel myself blush.

        "Thank you." I say suddenly shy. I duck my head and tuck a curl behind my ear. I can still feel his eyes on me and can feel him moving closer to me, but I'm frozen in place. I start to panic. Next thing I know nobody is moving. Damn it, I did it again. I hear laughter and look up to see my grandmother staring at me. How is she not frozen? I think to myself.

        "I'm not frozen because your powers don't work on other good witches." She says slowly.

        "Okay, so how do I unfreeze them?" I ask motioning to my dad and Ransom, who is in mid step towards me.

        "Just calm down and try breathing slowly. It seems your trigger is fright or panic, so whenever you feel those just calm your breathing." She says with a smile.

        I nod my head and focus on breathing. Soon enough, I'm calm and Ransom continues walking. I did it! I smile to myself. Yes you did. I hear Rosalinda's voice in my head. And look at her. She gives me a thumbs up. Ransom is now right in front of me and he cups my cheek in his hand. His hands are really warm.

        "I hardly recognized you, Liv. You look amazing." I feel my face blush and he smiles. Then realizes he's not the only one in the room and moves away from me.

        My father clears his throat. "Ransom I have a gift for you too." He says and takes out another box that was identical to mine. Inside is an all black mask like mine but without the cutouts.

        "Thank you, sir." Ransom says, in his professional voice.

        "Oh that reminds me. Liviana, I have a gift for you." My grandmother says and pulls a small box out of nowhere. I open it to reveal a black pendant necklace. "It has been passed down through all generations. I wanted to give it to your mother but she passed away before I could. She would have wanted you to have it." She takes it out my hands and puts it around my neck. It is a special necklace, you must never take it off. I hear her say in my head. Okay. I say back in my mind. Her hands freeze. You can communicate back? She asks. Yes, am I not supposed to be able to? I say starting to worry a little. Not unless you have the power to, and don't worry, this power is one of the easiest to handle. She says back. Well I just turned 18 and I have another power. Today is going great. Here let's test it. My grandmother says. Try to read your father's mind, I can so I can tell you if you are right. I try to concentrate on my father and try to see what he's thinking. It hard but after about four minutes I get it and hear ".....they better have all of the tables set up for the ball. I will have them answer to me if it's not done." I smile, I was honestly thinking he would be thinking about his swords or one of his meetings that he goes to often. Well, we know you have that power too. Rosalinda says. I have a question, how did you know about me freezing time? I ask her. I can feel it whenever a young witch gets her first power. She says, then she takes my mask from my hands and puts it on my face tying it in a bow I behind my head. Then she steps over to Ransom and does the same with him.

        I look over to my father and realize he had a red mask that matches his red tie. And when I look back to Rosalinda she has a green mask that matches her green dress. She turns to my father and places her hand in the croak of his arm.

        "Let's get going, we don't want you to be late to your own party." My father says with a smile.

        I turn to Ransom and place my hand on his arm. I give his arm a squeeze and feel his muscles underneath. Wow. I smile to myself.

        If she doesn't stop that soon, I'm going to go crazy. I hear Ransom's voice and I gasp. I give him a smile to show I'm fine and we walk out my door and to the ballroom. If I start hearing everyone's thoughts, this is going to be a long night.

Edited on June 11, 2016

The Hell Princess DiariesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz