"I'on believe the baybeh mine but you want real honesty, Missy?" I nodded slowly. I was unsure if I wanted the truth. I didn't want to know my husband cheated on me while I was seven months pregnant. And I damn sure didn't want to know that he was going to have a baby by another woman, especially Lisa. "It was a few times where she would do some sexual shit ta' me. I didn't want ha' to, but the hoe drugged me and tied me dahn. One time, I woke up and she was smiling all hard, telling me ta' prepare fa' daddy duty. I didn't think too much of it 'cause like we all know, the hoe crazy. I'on know what ca' come out of all'uh this. She ca' be lying or she ca' be pregnant by some other nigga, but we gotta stay positive 'bout this shit. A'ight?" He explained. I slowly nodded, hoping that she was pregnant by someone else. I mean, she basically raped him, so she impregnated her damn self. It seems as if, as soon as everything is going well, it tumbles back down into some bullshit.

"Missy, you know I luh you and I'a neva' stop lovin' you. Nothing ca' make me stop lovin' you, not e'en a crazy hoe carrying a baybeh." He spoke. "I love you too, August. I'm just..."

"Scared." He finished for me. "Nothing will change. Even if the baybeh mine." He assured me. "Yeah, I guess." I sighed, feeling unsure of the outcome. August can say that things won't change all he wants, but they will. Babies always change things. Our relationship has changed even after our own kids together. So, a child with him and another woman will definitely change our lives. "I'm boutta' go help my mama 'nem with this food. Just relax fa' a moment. Go chill with Shay or something, you ain't talked ta ha' in a minute. Jus 'til we get done outchea'." 

A bulb went off in my head and I knew what I was going to do. While going off "to see Shay", I was going to visit Jared. I don't care if they're having some intimate moment or whatever. My relationship and family is way more important than their special moments together. As soon as I was fully in my car, I called Shay. If August called asking for me, she would know what's going on so she wouldn't give away the fact that I wasn't there. Usually, she doesn't anyways but you can never be too sure. I began speeding towards Jared's home, but I calmed down, which helped me slow down. I pulled up after about thirty minutes of driving. I noticed that there was another car in the driveway. I was assuming that it belonged to Lisa and I was glad that she was here, so I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of stopping by her house. 

I anxiously rung the doorbell, repeatedly. I wasn't even in a hurry, but I really wanted to know if she was pregnant with August's baby or what. When your husband could be the father to someone else's child, you wouldn't care about if someone is annoyed at you ringing their doorbell. The door swung open to reveal an angry Lisa. Her angry frown instantly dropped into a sly smirk when she noticed who I was. "What the fuck do you want? You came to see your step-child?" She chuckled. "Bitch, you might want to stop flaunting your little bastard baby before you lose it." I spoke, giving her a smile that didn't match my tone. A great big happy smile. My smile faded when I heard sirens behind me and police lights flashing. She let off another sly smile before slamming the door. "Are you Missy Alsina?" An officer came to me and asked.

Next thing you know, I was slammed up against a police car being handcuffed and driven to the station, being read my rights. "What am I even going in for?" I shouted over the loud sirens. "The disappearance and murder of Suzie Smith. You need to remain quiet and stop resisting." The officer handcuffing me said. "I'm barely even moving!" I shouted, once again. "You can never just cooperate, huh?" He spoke, before slamming my body down onto the ground. "Ow! Is this really even necessary? I'm not even half your size, sir. I have kids at home!" The officer obviously didn't care because he continued to use excessive restraint tactics on me. His knee was in my back and his elbow pushed into my neck, while my face was mashed into the concrete of Jared's driveway. I knew I would be bruised up and August would be pissed.

 After the officer finally let up, I was booked into the Zone 4 police station of Atlanta. I was sitting in the holding cell, holding my head when the same officer who brought me in, called my name. The first person I called when they gave me the opportunity was August, of course. "August baby, I need you to come bail me out. I'll tell you what went down when you get here. I'm in the zone 4 police station. Please, hurry." I spoke into the phone, before hanging up so he wouldn't have the chance to shout and question me like I knew he would. I was shoved back into the holding cell, until August showed up.

Once he seen my face, I could tell he was about to raise hell. He scrunched up his face and looked me up and down. I was so ashamed that this had happened to me, so I just continued to look down. It's hard to stare into the eyes of August when he's pissed. It's like he's interrogating you with his eyes, no words. "Please tell me you got inna fight a' something." Just the looks he gave me, had me ready to break down, which I did. He hugged me and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. I shook my head while laying on his shoulder, indicating that his theory was very wrong. He lifted my head up and stared down into my eyes. "Who the fuck did it?" As soon as he asked, I snitched like a little kid whose candy just got stolen. I didn't want him getting into it with the officer, but I just wanted him to know so when everyone's in front of the judge, they'll get his ass too.

(Back at Mama T's house)

As soon as we crossed the threshold of my mother's house, I darted up the stairs. I didn't need my kids seeing me like this. I was all battered and bruised. I had black and blue bruises on my cheek and jawline and huge gash going down the side of my forehead. My neck and back were bruised and so were my arms and wrists. I heard a soft knock on the door. Expecting it to be August, I yelled "Come in!" Instead, I was met with the concerned face of Ms.Sheila. "Hey, Ms. Sheila." I spoke softly, before hanging my head down. "Oh, no. Don't do that." She spoke softly, before lifting my chin with her finger. Once she seen my face, she pulled me into a warm hug.

"August tol' me what happened ta' you. Well, only bits and pieces. I jus' wan'chu ta' know that whateva' you go through, I'a be there fa' you. Nah, I know I was messed up inna beginning, but I'm not fa' that nomo'. It was stupid, childish, everything you can name, that's what I was being and I'm truly sorry fa' showing my ass. Can we jus' start ova'?" She stuck her hand out. "Deal." I smiled, putting my hand in hers.

I gave her the details of everything that happened. I cried through it and she cried along with me and she held me as well. She took pictures of all the marks on my body and suggested that I go to the hospital and to make copies of my medical report.

This day has just been an emotional roller coaster and I'm glad that it's over.


Sorry for the long wait. I was actually working on this for a while, but I've been distracted. Some distractions good, some bad. Not many bad.

What I'm trying to say is... I have a life that I love living. I'm not going to be spending all my days on this computer, typing up chapters. Like I've said before, my interest in this story has declined, but I'm doing what I can.

Oh yeah, this story is ending in about two more chapters. The next chapter might be the last and after that will be the epilogue. You might hate me for the ending, but this story isn't about shitting rainbows and it won't end that way either.

You can guess what happens in the comments if you want, I don't know.. you probably won't but that's cool.

Oh yeah, and the scene where Missy is experiencing police brutality... I didn't start writing the chapter, thinking "Oooh, this will be juicy." I didn't at all. It's not about it being interesting. It was actually a thought that popped up as I was writing it b/c it's been happening a lot lately.

It didn't happen to August or any other male figure b/c I wanted it to be known that this does happen to women too. Don't think just b/c you're a female, you won't experience police brutality. It's not as common, but it has happened. For example, Sandra Bland... she was dragged out of her car for a traffic ticket and was later on found dead in her cell. And the girl at the pool party who they were pushing into the ground.. I'm not sure of her name, but it happens and you need to be safe.

Be beautiful and stay black.

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