b i r t h d a y / g i r l / 1

Start from the beginning

I opened the door and was greeted with a Lucas. He gave me a hug and came in the house. "Where's my sister?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well damn. Didn't even ask me how me and my baby doing? Rude" I rolled my eyes harder and rolled my neck.

"Aww, I'm sorry" He poked out his bottom lip and pulled up my shirt. After he stared at it for a good minute, his dumb ass started talking to it.

"I hope you're a boy. Because I'm going to show you how to get all the chicas. We are going to be balling. I'm going to show you how to work a condom, and all that" After he said that, I pushed him off and pulled down my shirt.

"Fuck out of here with all that bull shit" I mushed his head and made my way back to kitchen.

"Stop cursing. There is an unborn and a child in the presence" I looked around, confused.

"The child is sleeping, and the unborn is hungry. So he/she isn't paying attention. Now let me make my baby and my twin some food" I continued to what I was doing.

When I finished making the food, I called Lucas and Chyna downstairs. I hear them running, making it sound like damn elephants are getting chased.

"I know y'all asses better stop running in my damn house!" I yelled setting their plates down.

"I'm sorry mom" Lucas joked. I gave him the stale face.

"You wanna haha laugh. Do that shit at your place." I turned around and pulled the orange juice out of the fridge, and got the cups out of the cabinets.

He came up behind me and hugged. "I apologize Indigo. Forgive me" I poured the juice in the cups and ignored him.

"Get off of me boy. I'm hungry" I picked up my cup and left him to get his and Chyna's cup. "I'm taking that as a yes" He came over to the table and started eating.

"Dammit, I forgot the maple syrup. Luke go in the cabinet for me and get the syrup" He looked at me confused.

"It's in the pantry." I pointed at the pantry door. He got up and handed it to me. I looked over at Chyna and she was giving me a mean mug.

"What's wrong baby?" She crossed her arms and tooted up her nose. "You didn't wish me happy birthday"

I got up and picked her up, and held her on my hip. "I'm sorry babes. I love you. Happy 4th Birthday" She looked at me and hugged my neck. "Give me a kiss" She kissed me on my cheek and I returned the favor.

After everyone finished eating, Chyna and I went upstairs to go get dressed. He was taking her to the Strong Museum of Play. I was going to meet them there, after I met with the executor. We decided to all meet at Terrance's house around 10. Grandma Viv and Mya and I were attending Chyna's birthday party, so any other time would've been a real inconvenience for us.

Both of bathed last night, so we just brushed our teeth and washed our faces. She had brushed too this morning, but since we just ate, we brushed again. I picked out the outfit that Lucas had packed her.

Lucas had looked at the weather beforehand, but I wanted to check and make sure. It was okay weather. I pulled out a long sleeve flowy peach shirt, white ripped jeans, and brown Uggs.

I know he didn't pick this out, because he always dresses her up in sneakers and jeans. I never even knew she owned a pair of shoes, that weren't sneakers. Chyna came in and looked through her bag. "What's wrong?" She looked up at me with a sad face. "Where's my hat?" I looked confused.

"Bae, there was no hat in there. I'll go ask Lucas about it" She nodded her head and sat on the bed. I went downstairs, and he was down there with Bronx watching Nellyville on BET.

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