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The soft hum of his child's voice filled the air as Jeongguk made his way towards his car.

Dad, don't forget to bring the ice cream, okay? Yeonjun's voice echoed through the phone, carrying with it a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Yes, yes, my baby. Dad will bring it, Gguk replied, his smile evident in his voice as he imagined the joy that awaited his son.

Which one will you bring, tell me? the Omega's curiously asked, testing his father's memory of his favorite flavor.

Chocolate peanut butter, right? Gguk's response was swift, his pride evident as he effortlessly recalled his son's preference.

Hmm, then good, bring it fast okay, Yeonjun's eagerness was infectious, filling Gguk face with huge smile

Yeonjun, put down the phone, don't disturb him, amidst the joyous banter, Tae's voice interjected.

Okay, Appa, Jun's compliance was quick, the pout evident in his voice as he reluctantly obeyed his mother's instruction.

Hearing Tae's voice, Gguk couldn't help but tease his beloved Omega, his playful tone showing the love and adoration he held for his partner.

Does my Omega want something? His question was met with a soft chuckle from Tae.

Nothing! Just come home fast safely, okay? Don't forget our baby's cake. He's eagerly waiting to cut his cake.

Okay, sweetheart. I will be home in an instant, Gguk reassured.

Dad, come fast, ok. I love you, I am hanging up, Yeonjun's voice, laced with excitement for his birthday and affection for his father.

Yes, my baby, Jeongguk smiled lovingly at his son's words. Dad is coming in a minute. I love y—,

The cheerful atmosphere of the phone call abruptly shattered as the sound of screeching tires filled the air. Jeongguk's heart pounded in his chest as he glanced around. Before he could react, a deafening crash echoed through the street, sending shockwaves through his body.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he found himself sprawled on the ground, his phone lying somewhere in the wreckage. Pain seared through his body, as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead, mixing with the remnants of the fallen cake.

In the distance, he could hear the distant wail of sirens, growing louder with each passing moment. Panic rang up his chest as he fought to push himself upright, his limbs trembling. Despite the throbbing ache that pulsed through his body, his thoughts remained fixated on his son – The echo of his son's words – "I love you" – ringing in his ears.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, he forced himself to his feet, his vision blurring as he staggered towards his car. The world blurred around him as he fought to stay conscious, the taste of blood thick in his mouth.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, one thought burned bright in his mind – he had to make it home. His family was waiting for him, his Yeonjun and Taehyung were waiting for him. He had to go to them, he had to celebrate his son's birthday and kiss his mate and his son's forehead.

But he couldn't make it, he couldn't get up, everything felt so distant, so scary, he didn't want to close his eyes but he couldn't stop it from shutting. And finally he fell asleep.


As the realization sank, the Omega felt a tornado of emotions swirling within him—grief, guilt, and a profound sense of regret. How could he have harbored such intense hatred towards his father, a man who had done nothing but love and care for him?

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