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The days leading up to the exam passed by, and soon it was time for the paper. Yeonjun appeared unusually nonchalant, as if he had already resigned himself to the outcome, while Soobin felt a nervous knot in his stomach.

Before their paper, Soobin would offer reassurances to Yeonjun, saying, Don't worry! Just do your best. You'll pass, and even if you don't, it's okay. It doesn't matter. Yeonjun would simply nod in response, his demeanor showing little to no concern.

It amused Soobin how Yeonjun seemed so relaxed about the whole thing, almost as if he didn't care at all. Yet, beneath his calm exterior, Soobin felt that Yeonjun might be feeling the pressure deep down. But in reality the Omega really gave up.

Joon dropped them off at the examination center, and as they entered the school grounds, Soobin instinctively reached for Yeonjun's hand. All around them, students hurried to their respective classrooms, their voices buzzing with worry and nervousness.

Yeonjun's hand tightened around Soobin's as they approached the classroom door. He was acutely aware of the curious glances directed their way, drawn by the obvious swell of his baby bump. The normal whispers and side conversations stopped momentarily, replaced by hushed murmurs that followed at their arrival.

As Yeonjun took his seat, he looked around and noticed their familiar gazes on him, scrutinizing him from head to toe.

Yeonjun's focus was not on the impending exam—he felt strangely calm about that. Instead, his attention was drawn to Minseok, his ex-flame, who was staring back at him with a wide-eyed. Despite the calm facade Yeonjun projected, the intensity of Minseok's gaze left him feeling sort of uneasiness in his stomach full of discomfort and defiance.

Minseok's expression was unreadable—perhaps a mix of surprise and curiosity. Yeonjun shifted slightly in his seat, averting his eyes from Minseok, trying his best to be nonchalant yet subtly defensive.

Feeling the intensity of Minseok's stare, Yeonjun instinctively looked away, seeking comfort in his Soobin's presence. He moved closer to him, intertwining their hands, confirming his notion of leaving the past behind.

Soobin stood by his side, offering a big warm smile. Don't worry, Yeonjun. You've got this, he whispered in his ears.

Yeonjun's heart felt at ease the moment he heard his Alpha's word. He beamed a smile in response, preoccupying his mind with thoughts of the impending exam and Soobin's warmth, throwing away the unexpected reunion with Minseok.

While Minseok's heart sank the moment he saw Yeonjun draw closer to Soobin. The realization of what he had lost clouded his mind, of the love that had slipped away. He had never imagined seeing Yeonjun like this—expecting a child with someone else that's not him.

The bell rang, marking the start of the exam, but for Minseok, the world didn't feel like moving. He struggled to focus on the papers in front of him, his mind consumed by thoughts of Yeonjun and the life he could have had with him together.

The minutes passed by and the exam papers were distributed, Yeonjun's focus shifted to the task, trying to block out any distractions around him. But it seemed like the kid inside him didn't like this idea as the subtle movement of his baby confirmed it.

It wasn't even an hour into the exam, Yeonjun felt a familiar sensation—a soft flutter, as if his baby, Yeobin, was reminding him of her presence asking for attention. The Omega couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself.

Mischievous kid, he murmured, placing a hand over his abdomen where he felt the movement.

With a smile plastering on his lips, Yeonjun returned to focusing on the questions, determined to give his best for both his Alpha and his baby.

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