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Who said I agreed to your proposal?, the older replied.

Soobin, undeterred by Yeonjun's aloofness, grinned mischievously. Well, I haven't proposed to you yet, so..

You are getting on my nerves!, Yeonjun retorted, a hint of irritation creeping into his tone.

Recognizing that he might have pushed too far, Soobin quickly raised his hands in surrender.

Ok, ok, I apologise, I won't say anything, the younger said pursing his lips, but I am not lying I can help you, think about it.

Yeonjun remained silent, his expression unreadable as he stared at Soobin for a moment. Finally, without another word, Yeonjun turned away,  he sat on the couch, and then went on to check his phone.

Soobin watched him go, his playful demeanor fading into a more serious contemplation. He knew breaking through Yeonjun's defenses wouldn't be easy, but he also felt a persistent urge to try, driven by a mixture of curiosity and a growing sense of connection he felt towards the Omega.

As soon as the Omega's phone screen was lit on, 5 miss calls plus 3 messages could be seen, all of Oh Minseok.

Oh Minseok

Where are you?
Why ain't you picking my call?
I am coming to your house.

Soobin, sensing the tension in Yeonjun's demeanor, remained silent, unsure of how to respond to the sudden shift in atmosphere. Before he could gather his thoughts, Yeonjun sprang into action, jumping up from the couch with a sense of urgency.

Just go back to your home, Yeonjun shouted pushing Soobin toward the door.

Hah, what happened?

Just go, please, fast, Yeonjun replied tersely, his eyes darting towards the door as if expecting someone to appear at any moment.

Soobin stood outside Yeonjun's door, grappling with the abrupt dismissal. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something serious was unfolding inside Yeonjun's home, something that warranted such urgency and secrecy.

Hah, wait, Soobin called out, his mind racing with questions and concern.

Just go, Yeonjun's plea was urgent, cutting through Soobin's attempt to understand.

Reluctantly, Soobin nodded, knowing it wasn't the time to press further. He turned away from the door, his thoughts still tethered to Yeonjun's distress. As he walked away, he couldn't help but replay the brief encounter in his mind.

"Wow, he is really mean," Soobin muttered to himself.


I am back, Soobin announced as he stepped through the doorway.

Welcome Back, sweetie, Seokjin replied.

Go back, we don't want you, Hyuka's voice came in, with a mischievous grin on his face.

Do you want to get a beating?

Appa, hyung is threatening me, Kai playfully protested, darting behind Seokjin and wrapping his arms around his father's waist.

Ah, so annoying, Soobin chuckled, though there was affection underlying his exasperation as he glanced at his younger brother.

Appa, he is calling me annoying, Hyuka is sad, the younger one continued, knowing full well how to play up his innocent act to garner sympathy from his father, knowing very well that Soobin hated his antics.

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