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Hug me, Yeonjun spoke, a  plea that carried a strong sense of grief that tugged at the Alpha's heartstrings. His eyes had clear longing, met Soobin's, silently asking for the comfort and reassurance of his Alpha's embrace.

Without hesitation, Soobin set aside the towel, his arms opening wide as he stepped forward to close the distance between them.

In an instant, the Omega stepped into the embrace, his arms wrapping tightly around Soobin's waist as he buried his face against his Alpha's chest. The warmth of Soobin's embrace enveloped him like a cozy blanket, offering him the solace and security he sought in that moment of vulnerability and need.

I hated him so much, the Omega confessed, his voice cracking as the emotions kept overwhelming him. He never left us. My dad never left me and my Appa, Soobin!! The heaviness of years of misunderstanding and resentment was lifted from his shoulders only to be replaced by the sense of regret and grief.

What do I do with all the resentment I had for him in my heart?, he spoke as his hands clenched tightly Soobin's flesh, the tension in his body reflecting the tornado raging inside him.

The Alpha's gaze softened, his heart breaking for the pain his Omega was bearing. He reached out with an utterly soft touch as he brushed the falling tear from Yeonjun's cheek.

Breathe, Yeonjun!! It's okay, Soobin began, his voice reassuring as his hand instinctively coming to rest on Yeonjun's shoulder.

It's natural to feel overwhelmed right now, but you don't have to carry this burden alone. You have me, and you have your family and mine too. We'll go through this together.

I never once called him dad, Soobin since I grew up, Yeonjun confessed, his voice echoing the sadness he was feeling. I never even thought of him, never on my birthday, never on his. I hated their anniversary day too, he choked back a sob, the memories of past still fresh in his mind. I blamed him for all the discomfort in my life. If he didn't leave me, nothing would have happened.

Soobin's heart ached for Yeonjun, his own eyes filled with unshed tears as he listened to the hurt in his voice.

I know, Yeonjun, Soobin murmured, his voice reflecting the concern be had for Yeonjun. I know how much you've suffered, how much you've carried on your shoulders all these years. But you don't have to carry it alone anymore. I'm here for you, always.

As the Omega looked into Soobin's eyes, he saw understanding, compassion and the reassurance he wanted.

It wasn't your fault. Actually, it was no one's fault, Soobin spoke.

The Omega's breath caught in his throat as Soobin's words sank into his teary heart. He looked up, meeting the Alpha's gaze with tear-filled eyes, the waves of emotions swirling within him slowly beginning to flow.

But I blamed him, he choked out. I blamed him for everything-for leaving, for not being there when I needed him most.

Soobin's eyes showed the understanding, his thumb gently brushing away the tears that streaked Yeonjun's cheeks. I know, Yeonjun, he murmured. But sometimes, life throws us curveballs that we can't control. We do the best we can with the hand we're dealt, but ultimately, it's nobody's fault.

I know, Soobin!! But - ,Yeonjun's voice trembled with conflicting emotions. Guilt, anger, and sorrow, all  swirling within him like a turbulent storm. Soobin listened intently, his heart aching for his Omega in pain.

I feel so guilty for hating him, yet I am so angry at him, Yj confessed. Why did he have to go to the city that day? Why did he have to meet an accident? Why is he in a coma? Why did he disappear for so long only to come back like this?

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