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"I hope we can stay like this forever, Yeonjun," Soobin replied, his voice broke.

The Alpha cherished every moment they shared, knowing all too well the fragility of their happiness. The prospect of losing Yeonjun was a devastating thought that haunted him daily. As Yeonjun's pregnancy progressed, Soobin's concerns grew more deeper.

Yeonjun's pregnancy was not without its risks, and Soobin couldn't shake the fear that their time together might be limited and fleeting. Soobin battled against the haunting sight of losing his Omega, yet the fear persisted like a relentless shadow, tainting even the brightest moments with its chilling presence. Each morning brought with it the fear of waking up to an empty space beside him, devoid of Yeonjun's warmth and comforting presence.

As he held Yeonjun's hand in his, his mind betrayed him, wandering down darkness of doubt and anguish. What if, by some cruel twist of fate, he opened his eyes to find Yeonjun gone? The mere thought was unbearable, a fear that threatened to consume him whole.

He could picture it vividly—the emptiness of their bed, Yeonjun's side untouched and cold. The absence of his laughter, the gentle touch of his Omega's hand in his, the echoes of Yeonjun's voice fading into a distant memory, was a scenario too devastating to contemplate.

Despite his best efforts to banish these thoughts, they crept back again and again, haunting him in his quiet moments. How could he go on without Yeonjun's smile to brighten his days, his laughter to chase away the darkness?

He dared not voice these fears to Yeonjun, unwilling to burden his beloved who was so happy and positive about their future. As he gazed at Yeonjun, his heart swelled with love and sorrow. The idea of losing his Omega felt like losing himself—a void that could never be filled.

We will be like this forever, the Omega smiled. Me, you and our kid, he said touching his stomach.

Soobin's heart clenched at Yeonjun's words, his innocent smile embodying his purity and trust he had in their future, made the Alpha clung to the hope that their love would defy all odds, overcoming the uncertainties that plagued his restless mind.

Yes, so now finish it fast, Soobin pointed to the food. So we can cuddle together.

The Omega chuckled, as he started taking quick bites. Cuddling sounds perfect, he murmured between bites, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as the Alpha watched him fondly.


As the weeks unfolded, life settled into a peaceful rhythm for Soobin and Yeonjun. With the help of a hired cook to manage household meals, Soobin had now more time for Yeonjun and him and enjoy moments of rest together.

Their relationship flourished without any problem as the strains of their earlier conflict was now long forgotten. Soobin's attention to Yeonjun became noticeable, his gestures of care and concern evident in everything. Every gesture from Soobin reflected a desire to reduce Yeonjun's discomforts, whether it was sometimes through preparing special meals himself to soothe his cravings or offering gentle massages to ease his fatigue.

In the evenings, after their respective duties were fulfilled, Soobin made it a point to spend quality time with Yeonjun. They would converse about their hopes and dreams for their child, discussing nursery designs and their future with excitement. Each morning began with a soft touch, a shared smile, and the comfort of knowing that they are in it together.

Yeonjun eagerly anticipated each scheduled health checkup, viewing it as a highlight of his day as he could monitor the growth of their unborn child. The visits to the doctor's office became cherished outings for him and Soobin, providing opportunities to glimpse their baby through ultrasound images and capture precious photos.

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