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The McCall pack stood outside a classroom, them getting ready for their SAT'S.

The Kitsune then noticed the Banshee wasn't around, which confused her. "...where's Lydia?"

"She took it freshmen year." Stiles states.

Malia hopefully looks at her friends. "Does that mean i could take it another time?"

"I thought you said you were studying? You said you were getting the hang of it, didn't you say that?" Sabrina frowns at the girl.

Malia sighs out. "Doesn't mean that i'll do good."

"Do well." Stiles corrects.

Malia frowns her brows, looking at her boyfriend. "Do well?"

"It's 'do well' not 'do good'." Stiles corrects.

Malia rolls her eyes, rocking her head backwards, groaning out in frustration. "Oh god!"

"Does it matter?" Sabrina confusingly looks at him.

"Yes! The correct phrase is 'do well'." Stiles states.

"Guys! Hey, okay, listen, all right? If we survive this, i really want to, i want to survive high school and go to college, a good college." Scott retracted their attention.

Sebastian smirks. "Because, what human college needs is a teen Alpha."

"Hey, it's just for three hours, it's not that bad." Kira shrugs, trying to be optimistic.

Serena's eyes widened at her. "Are you insane?"


Simon, The Chemist, who's actually an assassin in disguise, walked around the classroom, after giving out the papers.

Stiles immediately opening his booklet, writing down his name.

"Please, do not open the test booklet unless instructed to do so." Simon states.

Stiles quickly putting down his pen, closing him booklet quickly, awkwardly clearing his throat, sneakily looking at everyone.

Serena, who was sitting next to Stiles, looking at his booklet then at him, the Stilinski smiling at her, then looking forward, letting out an awkward breath, nervously tapping his fingernails on his table.

"The test is two hours and ten minutes, there will be two twenty-five minute critical reading sections, two twenty-five minute Math sections, and an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes." Simon states.

Malia took a look at her booklet, going through the pages, her catching a feeling of anxiety as if she about to drown into a deep pit.

Malia's doe eyes then saw writing on her solutions, well–––some of it, her blinking repeatedly, the Werecoyote then secretly looking around, her eyes landing on Sabrina, who was next to her.

Sabrina had a hand on her booklet, the other using to write, a smile rested upon her lips.

Malia softly gasped in surprise. "You got back control!" Malia said a little too loud.

The Tate girl realizing she talked a little too loud, her looking at everyone, then at Simon, who looks at her, her cowering in her chair.

"Sebastian?" Natalie asks, noticing him looking a little pale.

"Huh? What? I-i'm okay." Sebastian drolly says.

"No, no, you look-." Natalie seemed worried.

"Handsome, i know." Sebastian felt oddly weak.

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