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Malia Tate walked down the hospital halls, her glancing on her left every now and then, the girl's dark brown doe eyes filled with frustration as she looked, her then stopping in her tracks, fully turning her body around to look at the person.

Sabrina Santiago confusingly frowning at the Werecoyote, her stopping as well, taking in the Werecoyote's stare. "...what?"

Malia rolls her eyes, sighing out in frustration. "Y-you! You're distracting me!"

Sabrina frowns her dark brows at her. "I'm distracting you? ...how?"

"Your scent." Malia frustratedly says.

Sabrina frowns, her holding a piece of her clothing from her top, her smelling it, but then Malia placed her hand down in frustration.

"No! You reek of anxiety and guilt." Malia sighs out.

"Maybe, i am anxious of telling anyone what i did last night and am feeling guilty." Sabrina shrugs.

"You helped me, you saved me from being burnt alive, isn't that good?" Malia curiously asks.

Malia then sighs out, noticing the look on Sabrina's face. "Okay, look at me, it isn't terrible, if you do it for a good cause."

Sabrina chuckles weakly. "Where'd you hear that from? Peter?"

"Actually–––i did, it sounds right, doesn't it?" Malia asks.

"Probably." Sabrina shrugs.


"I thought you came back for me...?" Serena confusingly looks at her boyfriend.

"I came back for you to make you understand that i'm leaving, you seem like you were upset." Sebastian corrects.

"I am not upset." Serena simply says.

Sebastian sighs out, him looking down, lightly scoffing, then looking at her. "It's unfair, you know? Just because i'm leaving for something that's important for me and not for you-."

Serena scoffs. "I-important? Why are you trying to make me out as the bad guy?" Serena then rolls her eyes. "Leave if you want to."

"I told you to come with me-." Sebastian reminds.

"And, i told you i won't leave, i won't leave my sister alone." Serena states calmly.

Sebastian sighs out, him going to say something, but then heard the loud explosion from the outside.

"Did you hear that?" Sebastian whispers, blue eyes widening.

Serena smiles. "Something going up in flames, explosion, obviously." Serena sassed, Sebastian rolling his eyes.


"What are we even doing in the hospital?" Malia sighs out. "Because, i really am hungry, right now."

"Later." Sabrina states.

Malia groans out, following after her. "I am hungry!"

Malia then saw Sabrina stopping by a room, her entering inside the room, perking the girl's confusion even more.

"Wait, why are you..."

"Hi, Stiles!" Sabrina's dark orbs stares at the Stilinski.

Stiles looks at the girl in sheer confusion. "Bree...hey...?"

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat