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Chris Argent was seen walking out of the front door, a black duffle bag in his hands that seemed heavy, then Allison, who leaned over the balcony, looking sleepy in her pajamas, a messy bun on top of her head, stared at her father confused.

"What's going on?" Allison asked confused.

Chris Argent then turned to look at his daughter, smiling at her, but the smile didn't exactly reach his eyes.

"Your aunt Kate just texted, i'm heading out to pick her up." Chris states.

Allison frowns, her crossing her arms over her chest, clearly feeling cold. "But, it's two in the morning, everything, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, she's just having a little car trouble." Chris lied.

"Not serious, is it?" Allison concerningly asked.

"No, no, just a flat tire, go back to bed, sweetheart." Chris faked a smile, lying once again.

Allison did as he said, going back inside her room, oblivious to the fact that he was lying to her.

Allison went inside her darkened bedroom, her sighing out, dropping herself on her bed.

Then the fair-skinned brunette felt something moving next to her, her acting hastily, jumping away from the bed, then quickly turning on the lamp, seeing a familiar figure on the bed.

Allison tried to stop her heart from practically bursting out from her chest, her sighing out in relief.

"You, oh my god!" Allison sighed out loudly in relief.

The tan-skinned, raven haired latina just smiled at her. "Hi."

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Allison breathlessly asked.

"I just- felt like i wanted to see you." Sabrina shrugged.

"Why? Didn't enjoy your 'date' with Scott?" Allison snapped in a hostile tone.

Sabrina then frowned at her. "I'm sensing a little hostility in your tone..."

"Oh." Allison sarcastically says.

Sabrina then sighed out at her behavior. "No."

Allison then frowned at her in confusion. "No?"

"To answer your question, 'no, i didn't enjoy it'." Sabrina states.

"How so?" Allison asked.

"Because, you weren't there, i wish you was." Sabrina confessed.

"Why?" Allison whispered, as if she didn't know the answer.

"Because-." Sabrina was saying.

Allison crawled on top of the bed, sitting close to her, leaning close to her face.

"Because, what, Bree?" Allison whispered, leaning close to her.

"Allison-." Sabrina sighed out.

"Me?" Allison teasingly asked.

The latina obviously feeling flustered, her evasively glancing away from the brunette.

Allison then used her hand grabbing onto the Sabrina's jaw, turning her face, forcing her to look at her.

Sabrina's dark orbs stared into Allison's lighter ones.

Allison then commented in dominant whisper. "Don't look away from me."


Outside the school's parking lot, after school was over, a seemingly weak and pale, almost dying Derek Hale was seen lying in front of Stiles' jeep, Stiles, Scott and Serena was seen with the older man.

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