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Derek Hale latched his much stronger and larger hand onto Sabrina Santiago's wrist to stop her from going after her sister.

The Santiago was clearly clouded by the longingness, that she couldn't clearly notice the changes that her sister was going through.

It was terrible.

Derek Hale did notice.

"Let go of me." Sabrina angrily glares at the man.

"For you to do something even more foolish? Do you have any idea what you were doing?" Derek grew equally angered.

"Do you have any idea how it feels to know that a person you love was once dead as you thought, and then found them–––alive?" Sabrina's eyes lit up.

Derek's grip around her wrist slacked, her sliding her hand away from his.

"...actually, i do." Derek whispers out weakly.

Sabrina frowns at him, then a look of amusement was seen on her face.

"What you smiling about?" Derek snapped.

"You actually do feel." Sabrina half way smiles.

Derek rolls his eyes, irritation in his eyes.

"I know what i am talking about, you don't want to be around your sister right now, i can feel it, you won't, since you're so clouded by the relationship you share with her."

"All you really can do is take away someone's power, not very useful." Derek scoffs, a hint of snark in his tone.


That word, that one word.

It's the word that clearly describes her and her family, it's the word that she's been hearing her entire life.

They're not normal, they aren't like other Witches, she really enjoyed not being like normal Witches, but now it just feels like a wicked bullet passing through his lips.

Sabrina's facial expression dropped, dark orbs showing pain.

Derek sighs out in frustration. "Oh, are you going to do that thing where you disappear, because, i hurt your feelings?"

"Is it an apology you want, if y-." Derek was saying.


The shoulder length raven haired Siphoner then soon disappeared through thin air as she weakly whispers that word.

Derek sighs out at her actions. "...now, she's gone."


Allison Argent was seen walking inside her bedroom that same night, her then closing the door, where she had seen someone sitting on her bed.

The Argent let out a little shriek, grabbing onto her chest, then letting out a gasp.

Allison slowly breaths out, shaking her head. "You gotta stop doing that!"

Sabrina apologetically smiles at her from the bed. "My bad."

"You all right?" Allison concerningly asks, noticing a look on her face.

Sabrina smiles. "I'm okay."

"There's something i need to tell you, and you should know about it, i think you should–––sit down." Sabrina nervously says.

Allison frowns, looking at herself. "Bree, i am sitting down."

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now