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Inside the living room of a house, there were two figures, female and male walking inside the living room that was extremely dark.

The female figure was seen placing her hands onto the male's shoulder, pushing him onto the couch, her climbing on top of him, her legs on either sides of his waist, her hands going to his shoulders, his hands quickly being planted on her sides.

"Look at this." A voice that sounded very familiar says.

A female hand was seen swiping across the air, causing the fireplace to be lit up with fire, the whole room that was shrouded in darkness, becoming bright.

"How'd you do that?" Scott asked amazed.

Sabrina's face became clear, a smile appearing on her face. "Magic."

"Well, i have a little magic of my own." Scott flirtatiously says.

His lips were then seen attached to hers, in a rough and wild kiss, his hands roughly roaming her body.

His hands that were on her back, started to change, claws exposed, digging their way into her back.

The raven haired girl feeling immense pain, feeling like something sharp was being injected in her.

The girl eyes then widened, a horrified gasp as she saw the face in front of her.

A growl was seen escaping Scott, eyes glowing a golden color, fangs protruding from his mouth, hairs on either sides of his face, ears pointing upwards.

The girl then quickly got away from him, quickly falling in the process, his clawed hand grabbing onto her ankle, jumping on her.

Claw hands up in the air, ready to strike.

The next day at the Beacon Hills High School, in the cafeteria, Serena and Sabrina was seen sitting by a table, telling each other about their last night events.

"So, who's this mysterious guy?" Sabrina smirked.

"Sebastian." Serena smiled happily.

"Oh! He sounds hot." Sabrina smirked.

"Oh, he is, trust me." Serena lightly blushed.

Sabrina hummed, smirking at her.

"So, what about the thing you wanted to tell me?" Serena then asked.

Sabrina's whole expression quickly changed, her feeling nervous.

"Bree?" Serena asked in concern.

"Rena? Serena Santiago?" A very charming voice asked from next to the sisters.

Both girls looked at the teen, Serena blushing but seemed confused.

"You're he-here? How are you here?" Serena stammered out.

"I go here now, told you i'd see you again." Sebastian smirked, then proceeding to sit next to her.

"This is your sister?" Sebastian's eyes then looked at short raven haired girl.

"And you must be my future brother-in-law." Sabrina smirked.

The girl then felt a hard nudge on her side, making her wince in pain, staring at her sister in shock, who just gave her a glare.


"She's fine." Stiles assured his best friend.

WITCHES IN BEACON HILLS,  TEEN WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now