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"Did you have any trouble with Ikeda?"

Chris Argent, who was in the Sheriff's Station with Scott and Allison, talked with Deaton over the phone.

"Only minor–––The White Wolf was exactly where you said it would be."

"But, we have two problems, now, first the lichen is not a cure and it'll wear out in a matter of days."

"But, while it doesn't work, the Oni won't go after Stiles, right?" Argent questions.

Deaton exhales deeply over the phone. "I hope so–––Eichen House has an unusual history, it might not be all that safe for the Oni there, as well..."

"What's the second problem?" Argent then asks.

"I checked with your contacts in Japan, the Yakuza boss you said you saw got killed by the Oni never found the scroll."

Scott, who had heard what Deaton was saying, grew confused by this sudden subject of 'THE SCROLL', since, he didn't know what he was talking about. "What scroll?"

Deaton proceeded to explain. "A Shugendo Scroll, the Shugendo with the ascetic of Japan."

"The scroll had information on how to exorcize a Nogitsune." Argent adds.

"So, we need to find that scroll?" Scott asks.

"Exactly–––and i did get the name of the man who last purchased it–––Kincaid."


"I found out some things, some important things–––."

The latina with short raven hair was walking with the dark brown haired latino, him telling her about the Kitsunes.

"Things?" Sabrina questions.

"Kira had told me that for a dark Kitsune to being causing all of this is because he-." Scott was saying.

"Is just bored?" Sabrina asks, glancing at him.

"No." Scott sighs out. "It's 'cause he escaped and is terrorizing everyone, only this can happen when he's offended."

Sabrina had stopped walking, her then swiftly sliding on her heels, her facial expression becoming one of confusion. "Offended?"

"Someone offended him?" Sabrina confusingly asks.


"Well–––how can you offend a Nogitsune?"

Scott shrugs, having no answer for her question.

Sabrina sighs out, giving him an unimpressed look. "Yeah, well, next time your Kitsune does research? Tell her to get the full facts, okay?"


Sabrina then went to walk away, but then felt Scott holding onto her shoulder, forcing her to look at him.

"...what?" Sabrina confusingly asks.

"You know 'what'." Scott says.

Sabrina slightly moved away, shrugging her shoulders lightly, to get his hand away from her.

"I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about." Sabrina confusingly stares at him.

Scott rolls his eyes, groaning out, then looking at her. "Come on, Bree, i've noticed it, okay? It's like ever since Kira moved here, you've become this–––neurotic person, so completely different, not like you at all."

Sabrina gaped at him in offense and disbelief, her dramatically responding. "Well!"

"Tell me, what's really bothering you?" Scott sighs out softly.

"Sorry, i can't tell you, guess–––my mental unbalance self can't see anything." Sabrina sneers.

"You know-." Scott was saying.

Sabrina sighs out, her seeming in a little more calming attitude. "Thanks for the information, but, i gotta go to the hospital to see my sister with Sebastian."

Scott stares at Sabrina, him feeling a hit of whiplash as he stared at her. "How the hell can one change emotions so quick??"


Inside the Argent's apartment, Lydia Martin, Aiden Steiner and Ethan Steiner was with Allison Argent. "My father said all of Katashi's evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by an armored car tonight, probably within the next few hours."

Ethan looks over at Lydia and Allison, catching sense of what the Huntress and Banshee was trying to say, him blinking his eyes repeatedly at them. "We're going to rob an armored car??" Ethan shrieked.

Lydia shrugs, her leaning against a table, her palms touching onto the edges.

"We're going to try."



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